Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cardboard Earings 1987

This post was inspired by Nicole, my childhood friend in Alaska, that recently asked me about my Cardboard Earing Collection and whether or not I ever wore them in public. Nikki, here is your answer:

I grew up in a small, isolated town in Alaska. There was no mall, no "cool" shops and no fast food. The 80's were all the rage (we were always at least 5 years behind, so the 80's were cool even into the 90's!!) Everything that was cool AT ALL was bought in Anchorage (a 6 hour drive from Valdez) or from catalogs.

When I was in 7th grade (1986-7) I REALLY wanted large, dangly earings, but I couldn't afford them. Nor would my mom have let me wear them, most likely!! I had an earing catalog that showed photos of earings I coveted, IN ACTUAL SIZE!! I spent HOURS pouring over the pages, WISHING for those earings and all the coolness that would come from wearing them.

Ssooooo . . . in my creative attempt to be cool, I carefully cut this exact pair of earings out and Elmer's glued them to lightweight cardboard . . .

(I was going to say I glued them to cereal boxes, but my mom didn’t buy boxed cereal, she only bought the bagged kind from Costco that tasted like catfood and didn’t EVER get soft in milk. But then, who wanted to eat cold cereal anyway, when all we had was POWDERED MILK??!!)

Back to the story . . . then, I hot glued these cardboard creations to cheap earing studs.

I had a whole jewelry box full of these cardboard babies, but I don’t remember wearing them. Except around my bedroom. Like some middle school fantasy dress-up diva. . with big froggy glasses. Oh, I was a weirdo alright, but not weird enough (or confident enough) to wear them out in public. This particular Watermellon Pair was my favorite (and one that Nicole remembers, too!) One thing that made them look fake was that I didn't have any dangly french wire to attach them to, only posts, so they looked a little odd.

I did NOT make a pair that said, "STOP" but I did have a pair that I thought were scandalous. Mine said:

And I thought it would be really "Suggestive" if I ever wore them, so I just dreamed about wearing them and having a boy ask me if my shoulders were really soft. Oooh, the excitement of that question was almost too much for my 7th grade mind. And the boys I dreamed about were Troy Fenner, Matt Kiser and John Vogt, just in case you were wondering, Nicole. They were the boys with the coolest mullets and the combs in their back pockets.

Now that Emma is in Middle School I watch her like a hawk. Mostly, to see if she's as weird as I was and also to see if she likes the "Bad Boys" like I did. I am so afraid, she does share my DNA, you know!! These photos were taken in 1988, when I was in 8th grade. They are of Matt Kiser, Lance Komkoff and John Vogt (Troy Fenner wasn't a guitar player, apparently!) Troy had a locker near mine and it seemed he was always "cleaning" it out (strewing papers all over the hallway!) He really did have the nicest mullet.


Unknown said...

I remember working at Eagle in the deli, and somebody had just came back from Anchorage with a big bag of McDonalds cheeseburgers, and we were heating them up in the microwave and enjoying every bite!!...its just unreal how isolated we were! I think your earrings idea is resourceful-very creative! What ever happened to Troy? : )

jen said...

I understand how creative you have to get living in a small town with not a lot of resources...funny stuff, sounds like something I would have done as a child! Love the earrings.

suzy said...

Oh my goodness, I am laughing so hard right now. I can remember doing something similar, except the earrings I was cutting out were not actual size and I was not allowed to have pierced ears, so I had to tape them to my ears! I loved your little segment about the cereal and the powdered milk. I think our parents were definitely raised in the same household. My dad used to mix up powdered milk when we were asleep and pour it into empty milk jugs. I think he thought we wouldn't notice the disgusting taste if it was in a store bought container. And I don't think you were ever weird, nor will your kids be. But she will like bad boys. We all do.

Grandma Duffy said...

You are so funny! This is why I love reading your blogs!!

Grandma Duffy said...

You are so funny! This is why I love reading your blogs!!

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. You're such a great mentor for our girls! Keep it real, keep it honest, and keep it (by all means!) in the bedroom!

Brandan and Becky said...

So, so funny. My favorite shirt in middle school was part of a discarded uniform bought at the Army/Navy surplus store. Not cool weird, just weird-weird. Good thing I didn't meet Brandan until college.

Jennie said...

Who knew you were such a rebel?

Kristi said...

Now that is funny stuff. I love 80s and 90s reminiscing. Those decades were not flattering or kind to most. I will have to post pictures from my weirdo years too so you will know that you are not alone. I love that you made them out of cardboard. Hysterical. I think we would have been great 7th grade friends.
You should write a book with all your wit. I say this because your writing reminds me of my favorite book as a kid, Skinny Bones. I will have to lend it to you. It is a quick read.
enough already - bye

Kari said...

I love you!! I laughed out loud, just thinking about you making home-made cardboard earrings, so funny! I think it is safe to say that we all did weird things as kids. I remember making 'fake' retainers sp? out of paper clips, because it was cool to have a retainer!! Oh, the memories!

Michael Larsen said...

Tell Emma to watch out for the boys with the tight jeans, muiti-colored sweatsirts and hair that hands in the eyes.I hear they're the one's you need to be wary of... of wait, that sounds like my boy... ummm, never mind (LOL!).

I thought I was creative when I was younger, but boy, you have me beat by a mile :).

Andrea said...

And the thing everyone wants to know but won't ask: DO you have soft sholders? You should have came to my mom with these, I am sure she would have attached then to some dangly french wire for you. How funny.... keep watching Emma like a hawk!

Lance and Kim said...

I think you did a fantastic job on your earrings! I had one pair of big earings kind of like the round stripped ones of yours, but my were neon yellow--I don't think I ever wore them out of the house either.

Nicole said...

I LOVE YOU! lol Totally laughed the WHOLE way reading your post! Oh wow. Now everyone knows exactly why I wanted to sneak in your room.. there was all kinds of stuff going on in there! So out of the three boys you mentioned I only knew who Matt Kiser was and BOYYYYY he was Rockin Roll baddd boy. Him and Danny Nichols used to play music next door to our house in that TINY log house. I can only imagine the stuff that went down in that house.. I used to watch out my windows to see if I could catch some VHS drama!!

You are not weird but extremely creative! Look what happened to me for picking a "Bad Boy"!?!?!? If any of your kids go through a rebel phase, just have them give me a call. I have lots of experiences to share with them :)

Steph said...

You are so silly! Don't feel bad .. I used to make earrings out of paperclips and keychains and things ... My poor mom and grandma would wear them for me too! LOL

Krystal said...

Your cardboard earrings are very creative. I remember when I was in middle school and wanted dangly earrings...You know how printer paper used to be all connected together, with the little edges with holes that had to be torn off on each side? Well I used to fold the two edges together, in an acordian like fashion, and then stick one of my studs through the hole at the top. Those earrings could be as dangly as we wanted, depending on how long of a paper edge we could find!! And, unlike you, I was silly (I mean, cool) enough to wear them in school.:)

Rebecca said...

You made me laugh so hard I almost peed my pants!!! I loved you back then (I still do). You were older, smart, happy go lucky with all the confidence in the world!!! At least this 7th grader thought so! Oh...the description of the boys....they haven't changed much. I ran into a few of them while living there. We all grow up but sometimes if we're lucky we never loose that childhood coolness!