Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My Sister is Engaged!

My parents went to SLC to meet Briana and her boyfriend Sem. Over dinner, he asked them if he could have their permission to marry her, that he loves her very much and can't imagine life without her. It was very emotional and sweet, according to my mom. . .I'm so happy for her. She really adores this man and wants to start a family with him. The only problem for me is that they'll live in Sardinia, Italy. . .so I won't see her and her children much. . .but I'm really thrilled for her. I will try and figure out how to post a photo soon, Arrivederci!!


The deVilleneuves said...

Congrats! It'll be nice to have a sister that can relate to the children/marriage humor you have! I'm sure they'll have great stories from Italy. Where are they getting married?

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Sardina, Italy, Ciao!

The deVilleneuves said...

So does this mean you're headed to Italy for this summer? I hope she plans around your horribly busy schedule! Let me know if I can help.