Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Trek Tomorrow!

We are leaving at 4am tomorrow and I really need to start packing . . . I finished all 200 journal/songbooks at midnight! I have 12 girls from outlying cities sleeping over tonight, so their parents don't have to drive them into town, EARLY. I need to clean my bathrooms and change all the sheets for that. Other than that, I'm READY! I can't wait and I hope this experience is all we've hoped for! Keep us in your prayers! And, if you are a devoted reader (ha, ha) posts will publish, in my absence!

A fun side note, Damian's Great Uncle John and Great Aunt Natalie are visiting. We had a GREAT BIG dinner party last night, in their honor. I missed most of it, working on Trek stuff. They introduced Damian's parents to the gospel, 30 years ago and are just about to leave on a mission to Belgium. It's the first time they've come to Oregon and it's so fun to have them here. I didn't take any pictures, unfortunately. I appologize to all their daughters that check my blog!!

1 comment:

utmommy said...

Glad you got all your trek stuff finished. Sounds like you guys will have a blast!

My parents had a great time too:)