Sunday, August 31, 2008

I vote SARAH!!

Sarah Palin, the Governor of Alaska, is the new Republican VP running mate. She is known as the "Hottest Governor of the Coolest State!"

Voting for her is very natural for me. It feels right. Hearing her speak brings tears of pride to my eyes. Pride in her love of Motherhood/Family and her love for our country. I am thrilled to have her alongside McCain, who I wasn't as excited about. I haven't been very "INTO" this race, since my favorite, Mitt Romney, withdrew from the race. Now, we have the news channels on in every room!

Here are my 8 reasons for Voting for Sarah Palin:

1. We're practically twins, although she's 10 years older. She was raised eating big game, her parents were on the way to hunt Caribou when they got word of her nomination! Her husband is a commercial fisherman and works for the same company as my dad, Alyeska Pipeline Company, (brings the oil from the ground, thru the big pipe, to the Tankers in Valdez)

Sarah loves the outdoors and sports. She's a marathon runner, like I aspire to be. She is beautiful (hey, Damian thinks I am!) and she shares my name. Oh, and she competed in the Miss Alaska Pageant, just as I did (and we both didn't win). These are superficial reasons to vote for someone, so here are some better ones:

2. She is Pro-Life. That is my biggest voting concern. She's a mother of 5, just like me. (Track, 18, Bristol, 17, Willow, 13, Piper, 6, and Trig, 4 months) Her unexpected baby boy was born in April, with Down Syndrome. I'm sure she had the choice to end Trig's life, to make hers easier, but she didn't. She has an 18 year old son that joined the Army last year and will be deployed to Iraq soon, and she is proud of him. She is Patriotic and respects our armed forces. She loves America. These are all very important things to me.

3. She is a life-long NRA member. I believe in the 2nd amendment protecting our right to bear arms and so does she. She thinks education is important. What mother doesn't?

4. She is Pro-Family and supports the sanctity of marriage. Between a man and a woman. I don't doubt that she has gay friends and/or family. Who knows? I certainly do. And I love them. I have strong moral beliefs about what Marriage is, too. That doesn't diminish the respect I have for all of the people on this planet.

6. She is fiscally conservative. She has helped her state fiscally, and Alaskans love her. She has something like an 89% rating in that state . . . some Alaskans at Obama's camp were interviewed and they said they may switch over to vote for Sarah Palin, she is that respected. She has helped that state in a responsible way. She believes in TAX CUTS.

7. She seems to have an excellent Moral Compass. She has a record of standing up for what she feels is right, when she was the Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission she resigned her post in protest over what she perceived as ethics violations by fellow Alaskan Republican leaders. She also held some accountable for unethical behavior and they were punished. She has been known as "Sarah Barracuda", for her leadership style and it was her HS Basketball name, too! McCain says she has INTEGRITY!! I love that.

8. She is smart. Did you see her mention and give honor to Hillary Clinton? We Republicans need someone on our ticket that Hillary-Lovers can identify with. Hopefully, they'll switch to our side, in support of a woman, and vote for Sarah Palin. Geraldine Ferraro was thrilled to hear Sarah Palin thank her for her efforts, too. Geraldine said it's the first time in 24 years that anyone has done that.

I think her nomination is going to shake things up, in a good way and I'll be praying for her success, and that of her family everyday until she WINS!!!


Amber said...

Yay!!! She has been the talk of our family since we woke friday and heard that he had picked her! I love her and I am now excited about the republican party. I wasn't sure what I was going to do when it came time to vote....I was thinking that Canada wasn't too far....!!! I love her and I now have hope!

Kari said...

Sarah, I love you for this post, and I am excited too, maybe we can try and get her to come here to Southern Oregon for a visit while on the campaign trail!!

emily said...

Too bad we had walked down the road to the Mountain Mama Contest or you could have claimed that you sold cotton candy to her at the Moose Dropping Festival!!!

Andrea said...

I am glad for your post also. I was cynical about a female vice, figuring that like Hilary or some female powerhouses, she had a man's mentality but with something to prove. I had no knowledge of who she was or what she stood for, I was just a bit grumpy that she was chosen instead of Mitt. I am happy to stand corrected, she is a good choice.

Brandan and Becky said...

You are the cuter Sarah from Alaska!


Beka said...

Vote McCain and Idiart!

Krystal said...

I also appreciate this post...I didn't know much about her either. And I haven't bothered to research anything about the elections yet. (I normally just let Josh do the research!) But this does shed some light and hope on the coming elections.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it sad that as soon as we heard about a female vice, the next thing we heard about was her pregnant daughter? As if it's a REAL judgement on her family values? Like, what kind of mother...

Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I'm happy to hear what you have to say about her. I wasn't sure what to think at first, other than McCain sure made a gutsy, risky move (which I still think), but I think it was a smooth, righteous move on his part, and I'm happy to say that the Republicans have finally got their brains in the right place! In a WOMAN'S HANDS!!!

Clark and Kaycee said...

Very great choice! I think she is amazing. What an amazing women.