Sunday, September 28, 2008

Blair and Heather's Wedding

My beautiful cousin Heather Mellen was sealed to her sweetheart Blair on Friday. The ceremony was beautiful, with the sealer offering lots of good advice. Heather's dress was lovely, her shoes were divine and her flowers were very pretty.

Logan was sunny and warm, the temple was peaceful and I enjoyed teaching my mom some conversational Italian on the drive up (that I had learned the day before!) We had some great times in the temple cafeteria, too!

I took lots of photos of the flowers at the temple, I want to landscape my backyard just like this!

I adore Heather's family, her dad has a great sense of humor, her mom is so loving and I have many fun memories playing with my Mellen cousins.

My Aunt Marilyn, second from the Right, on the top, came from Idaho. I loved picking her brain about my camera. She's my photographer HERO and I bought a matching camera like hers but have never really had much "training." She showed me a few quick tricks. It was great!

I loved seeing my grandparents . . . they really are just soooo cute!

Heather is my closest cousin on my mom's side. I love her a bunch and kick myself that I haven't kept in touch a little better with her, these last 10 years . . . we actually live close to each other. I'm hoping we spend more time together in the next 10 years, as she starts her family.

Blair's niece, Nicole was so helpful and sweet to Heather's niece, Paige.

Little Paige was a fun photography subject. I loved her golden Farrah Fawcett hair and her chubby little biceps. You know I love biceps.

Heather has two sisters. These are their husbands and little boys. My cousin Jenny (Paige's mom) sewed all the ties and vests for the wedding party. The MEN were all very debonair in their duds.

She also made little Paige this adorable purse to match all the ties. So cute! She's sending me the pattern and I'm going to TRY to make some for my girls, to match their dresses for my brother Michael's wedding. Or maybe I can pay Jenny to do it for me. Are you for hire, Jenny?

The reception site was gorgeous. It was in the shadow of the temple hill, with a little stream running through.

Paige's big brother was checking out what was UNDER the bridge!

Miss Paige (with her cute nails) loved the cake. Although, not as much as me. I had two pieces!

It was a wonderful day and I'm so glad I got to be part of it! Love you and Congrats, Heather! Welcome to the family, Blair!


emily said...

What a pretty wedding, so elegant. I really like the dress and the cake.

youreprettytoo said...

That is a beautiful wedding- I especially love the fall colors. But I must express my disappointment to know that you were only 1 1/2 hours away from me and I didn't know! I mean- what is family more important than friends!;) We could have ar least meet in Ogden or something! Next time- I guess! Seriously- i am thinking about making a trip out there sometime soon!

Brandan and Becky said...

You have to send those photos to your cousin, Heather, because they are so beautiful. She would love the sweet, candid moments you captured. I especially like the boy under the bridge.

Anna Winn and Family said...

Those pictures of Paige and the older girl holding hands, and the one of Paige on the bridge is magazine worthy! Will you help me with my camera when I come and visit Medford again? I just love your pictures!!!!

Lana said...

a) wow! you get to travel a lot!!

b) what a beautiful bride and I loved the cake! very lovely :)

Krystal said...

What a beautiful wedding, and such cute pictures of the little ones! I LOVE the Logan temple! It's very dear to me, since that's where I got married! :)

Andrea said...

Looks like a beautiful event! Paige looks JUST like one of Brian's step-neices in the first picture of her. I will have to see if I can dig up a picture of her somewhere.

Elaine Goold said...

What a fun weekend we had!! I loved being at Heather's wedding and luncheon and I love your photos. You caught some very sweet ones, didn't you? I'm so glad you could come down for it and we could spend a few days together.