Sunday, September 7, 2008

My First Tag!

My cousin Lana tagged me, last week . . . I've always wanted to be TAGGED!!

Oh, except for the tag where you share pictures of your laundry room, fridge and face in the morning, pre-shower. I assume you've all seen my laundry room and face in the AM and wanted to spare me the embarrassment! I have been working on tidying it up though, JUST IN CASE!

Actually, I've hired a cleaning lady and she's helping me tidy it up.

All About Damian

1. Where did you meet? We were introduced at BYU, second semester freshman year, by Jim Watkins. The short version is that I was from Alaska and Damian was trying to date one girl from every state. For the long version/photo, click here.

2. How long did you date before you were married? Short Answer: 6 months

Long Answer is: I knew Damian 3 1/2 years before we married, I dated him 2 months, we got engaged and married 4 months later.

3. How long have you been married for? 12 years, 2 months, 4 days, 20 hours (or so) This is my wedding photo, in case you missed it!

4. What does he do that surprises you? Damian is wonderfully predictable, he rarely surprises me. I'd be really surprised if he brings me home flowers from work today or writes me a love note. He doesn't really ever do that. Or if he draws me a bath and lights some candles in our bedroom. That will surprise me. HINT HINT!!

He always does the dishes and tidys the house, while I sit around blogging, so that WOULDN'T surprise me. He also almost ALWAYS falls asleep while reading or watching TV, while I'm still blogging. Poor man. No surprises there!

And everyday I KNOW for a fact that he loves me. That level of commitment doesn't ever surprise me. It probably should, but I'm too spoiled.

5. What's your favorite feature about him? I love his smile and his curly hair.

6. What's your favorite quality about him? Damian loves our Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ, more than anything, even me. I don't mind sharing with THEM, though!

7. Does he have a nickname for you? What is it? "Most Gorgeous Woman in the World", what else? No, I'm kidding. He calls me Honey, it's just a lot shorter and more practical.

8. What's his favorite color? Hold on, let me ask him .. . . Green. Oh, yeah, I knew that. It's the same as mine.

9. What's his favorite food? Small Birds: pigeon, quail, pheasant . . . except when I cook them.

And he loves French Food, especially his grandma's pigeon with the head still on (because they EAT THAT!). Let me tell you, the first time I saw this lovely meal, I had just started dating Damian, so I knew how weird his family MIGHT BE from the start. EWWW!

He also likes anything on the menu over $35, a plate. The kind of fancy food in the first picture usually tastes good to him. If he doesn't recognize some of the ingredients, he loves it even more.

But . . . he almost always orders a hamburger when we go out. I, on the other hand, always "try something new" and then I wish I had a burger. So he shares half with me. He's that nice to me. And I'm that predictable. . . just not to myself.

10. What is his favorite sport? Basketball and . . . he LOVES "kissing". . . Hi kids . . . wow, I'm glad I kept that "clean." I hope I didn't embarrass you too much by admitting that Daddy loves kissing me.

11. Who said I love you first? He told me he loved me the first week he knew me. Don't be too surprised, he told everyone he loved them, followed by the word, DUDE (I love you, Dude!) So don't think I was special to him, or anything!

I think he MEANT the words about 2 months BEFORE we started dating. It took me that long to realize I could DATE AND POSSIBLY MARRY my Best Friend.

12. When and where was your fist kiss? I asked Damian to a Girl's Choice formal, when we were both 18, as freshmen at BYU. He tried to kiss me that night and I wouldn't. I've mentioned that I'd post the note he wrote me after that dance. Please, try to hold your laughter . . . this was the first "love letter" I received from my future husband. And remember, Damian was the guy my roommate called "Barry Manilow" because he was so cheesy (and he had poofy hair) . . .

Fast forward 3 years: I had no where to go for Christmas and was a 1st year teacher on half salary (I was an Intern Teacher, fininshing my Senior Year at BYU, while I taught my own classroom full time). Damian was home from his mission, going to school and trying to convince me, his best friend, that we should be MORE THAN FRIENDS. My family drove to Mexico for Christmas. If I wanted to join them, I had to fly myself there, but I was too broke. I complained of this to Damian. He told his mom, and she bought me a ticket to spend the holidays in San Francisco with the Idiarts. (Little did I know, Damian told her that I was the girl he wanted to marry!) The night before Damian and I flew from Utah to California, we kissed. Then, we decided we wanted to try dating each other. Once I met his family, I knew I'd like to be an Idiart and spend the rest of my life with Damian. So that was that. We were engaged a month later.

13. What's your favorite thing to do as a couple? Again, this is a PG site. So I'll say "Kissing."

Oh, and eating out. As long as Damian gets the hamburger.

14. Do you have kids? Yes, we are parents to 5 beautiful, talented and smart children.

15. What's a hidden talent that he has? He has a nice bass singing voice. And he's a great writer. His first published piece was so great, he's decided to get his PHD, so he can write all the time!

16. How old is he?
34, just like me . . . only I'm 4 days older!

17. What's his favorite type of music? I'd say Children's Primary (Church) Music. At least, he plays it all the time, at home. Maybe he just thinks he can change the "mood" in our home by giving us large doses of it.

He DOES NOT appreciate getting in my car, turning it on and being blasted by my stereo. I like LOUD music and he doesn't. His favorite band is Chicago.

18. What do you admire most about him? The way he looks in a Speedo. And then I wake up.

No, really, I admire his biceps. I just have a thing for large biceps.

And I admire that Damian is so full of Integrity. He always tries to do the right thing and be kind and Christ-like. He is a really good example and he thinks of others first. At least we have our biceps in common!

19. What's his favorite past time? After "Kissing?" I'd say, hanging out with his brothers . . . so that must mean he loves going to the office, since that's where he and his brothers hang out all day work.

20. Do you think he is going to read this? No, there are limits to his love for me.

But . . . just in case: I love you, Damian. I'm so glad I married you. You're the most handsome man in the world (Sawyer is second to you!), and I'd follow you ANYWHERE! You're my best friend and I'm grateful I get to spend Eternity with you. I'm the luckiest woman in the world!

And now I tag: Christine I, Andrea S, Christina L, and Krystal W!!


Brandan and Becky said...

Wow, Sarah, I'm blushing at my computer. That said, I feel lucky to know your family- you have a large, powerful, positive sphere of influence.


Krystal said...

Yeah! This will be my first tag too! Thank you! Your Damian is a sweet man. When you two got married (and later when Andrea got married), my mom would always tell me, "Someday you will find your 'Damian.'" (Or Brian, in Andrea's case.) (She said that instead of "someday you'll find your prince.") I'm glad I found my Damian...named Josh. :) BTW, I figured out how to strike out words...I'll have to show you on my first tag!!

allison nadauld said...

Darling, Sarah. I hope Damian does take a peek at it. What a wonderful world it is when you have a happy marriage! It sure was the best plane ticket ever purchased!
Love you,

Grandma Duffy said...

I don't know how Damian can miss reading your blog. It is the most entertaining of all of them I check each day. You guys are so lucky and blessed to be such a family.

Elaine Goold said...

Well I hope Damian reads your blog and all the comments! I am so grateful my daughter has such a wonderful husband! We all love you Damian. Thank you for the wonderful influence you've had on all our family!! Mom

Now this part is for Sarah - Who the heck is this Sawyer? You are too crazy!

Andrea said...

What a fun tag! You have such a fun family. Like Krystal, my mom used to say Someday you'll find a Damian. This will also be my first tag.

utmommy said...

You are married to a pretty good guy! Glad you guys enjoy kissing so much!

Anonymous said...

We have more in common than I thought! I love the Oakland Temple! And I'm glad to know that there are other blogging widdowers out there in the world besides Roy -- although, he won't be glad to hear that. He feels very neglected and abused when I turn towards the computer and away from him. Maybe I should dedicate a post to him, and that will rejuvenate the hidden urges I'm sure he's feeling about blogging himself!

Elaine Goold said...

Okay you! I don't think you should make Damian's letters to you public! Take that off your blog!! (Besides it was too small and I couldn't read it!) I think it would hurt Damian's feelings for you to put it on there for everyone to read and don't make fun of him!!! This is your MOTHER speaking, so you HAVE to do what I say!!! NOW!!!

Larsen's said...

I loved reading this! It made me want to do it, and then I see I was tagged! I will get to it soon. Thanks, Sarah!

Julie Doll said...

What would we do with out your blog to brighten our day. Thanks for sharing your family with us. (BY the way, why am I not on your list!!! Is it because I have NEVER commented?)

lish and toby said...

Sarah you are such a joy!! Your first tag was fun to read and learn a little about you and your hubby's getting to know you stage. You are a sweet couple with a sweet family!

Cynthia said...

I love to read your sweet thoughts about your sweet husband. Your family is such a great example of an eternal family. Love you, Aunt Cynthia