Monday, November 17, 2008

Ben and Blessings

Benjamin has been pretty sick lately. First, he was under the weather from his Pre-School immunizations, then he caught a lingering cold, then the flu, Strep Throat, and NOW another cold! He just hasn't been himself lately!! I finally asked him if he'd like his Daddy to give him a Priesthood Blessing.

I believe that God's Priesthood has has been restored to the earth and given to worthy men, by those in authority. Worthy men with the Priesthood of God can act in God's name to bless others. Damian has the Priesthood and occasionally uses it to bless our children and me, as well as others in our congregation/ community.

I wasn't sure if Benjamin had been taught/understood much about the Priesthood. I was surprised when he got very excited about the idea of having his Daddy give him a blessing. When I asked him what a blessing was he said, "Daddy will put his hands on my head and make me better with the words he says. I saw that on the missionary movie. One missionary had his foot hurt by HOT LAVER and the other missionary blessed him and he got better!"

I guess the things I'm supposed to be teaching my son are accomplished through my great TiVo skills! My kids recently watched The Other Side of Heaven (A Disney movie about an LDS missonary in Tonga that had many miraculous experiences.)

Ben understood the lesson taught about the power of Priesthood Blessings, but was a little confused on the details. There is no HOT LAVER (hot lava) in the movie, the missionary gets bitten by red fire ants. He does get a Priesthood Blessing and is healed!

All day, Ben kept asking when his Daddy would be home to bless him. He was very reverant during the actual blessing. After, he informed me that he'd be getting better right away. He is full of a sweet faith and has taught me much!


Brandan and Becky said...

I'm having a really wonderful fall and I fully credit it to a lovely priesthood blessing I received at the beginning of the school year. This is the first year I've gotten a blessing along with the kids, but I'm not going to miss it now. The promises in the blessing focus my mind and guide my efforts and thinking of the blessing fills me with love. I know Ben will get better, too! I am so thankful for priesthood power!


Amber said...

Such a sweet story, Sarah! Both Cole and I have received priesthood blessings recently and have both seen the promises in the blessing take hold. Thank you for sharing. You have such a wonderful family.

allison nadauld said...

I'm just so grateful to have so many worthy priesthood holders in our family that our young ones can turn to. I love this story and your last post was one of your very best. Thanks!

Krystal said...

I'm very grateful for priesthood blessings too. I know they can bring about miracles. We hope Ben is feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

such a great story- esp following the previous post. It all really, really freaks me out- these really are the last days. Good job on preparing your little one:)

annie valentine said...

Sometimes I hate it that we don't live by each other.

Kristi said...

I love Benny's faith. That was a neat story.
We love that movie but I am confused, maybe I wasn't paying enough attention. Is it the boy that receives the blessing or is it Elder Groberg? I remember Elder Groberg having his feet chewed by rats in his sleep and the boy who dies cut his leg while trying to catch a fish or something. It looks like I need to watch it again to clear up my confusion.

suzy said...

I will have to rent that movie I guess. My kids don't learn anything from me, it is all the tv. Is that weird to you that we have kids the same age? Well, one anyway. It is crazy to me how all of your kids look like you and your husband, but they look so different from each other. I can't wait to have more to see if they will look like each other.

Andrea said...

I love little children's faith. Most of my favorite prayers are said by Olivia. I am often suprised (and amused) at the things she remembers to talk to our Heavenly Father about.

lish and toby said...

I haven't heard of the movie, but would like to see it. I learn so much visiting this blog!