Thursday, January 31, 2008

Kudos to Single Parents

My dear, dearly beloved husband has been out of town on trial 2 hours away, for a few days now (I can't even remember when he left or what day it is today, I'm so frazzled!) I really don't like being a single parent. I can tell he's praying like mad for us, because I have any patience at all. I know that is a direct intervention on the Lord's part, due to my sweetheart's prayers. . .He was supposed to come home tonight, but the weather there is so bad, I think he may come home tomorow morning. . .YIKES!! I think I'll go to the YMCA bellydancing class to have a little relaxation time, a little me time, and if there is a full length mirror there, I'll get some good belly laughs in, too.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My Sister is Engaged!

My parents went to SLC to meet Briana and her boyfriend Sem. Over dinner, he asked them if he could have their permission to marry her, that he loves her very much and can't imagine life without her. It was very emotional and sweet, according to my mom. . .I'm so happy for her. She really adores this man and wants to start a family with him. The only problem for me is that they'll live in Sardinia, Italy. . .so I won't see her and her children much. . .but I'm really thrilled for her. I will try and figure out how to post a photo soon, Arrivederci!!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Are these all YOURS?

Do you ever get asked:
Haven't you heard of Birth Control?
Are you done YET?
Is your husband going to take another wife?

I have an answer! (harmonica accompaniment is optional:)

Mother of five,
Wife, just the one,
Could you be any ruder?
Yes, we are DONE!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Why am I doing this?????

I have about 5 favorite BLOGS that I read/make annoying comments on daily, but didn't know how to start my own. I thought, "I'm too busy, I have very important things to do" For example:

1. Start making dinner EVERY NIGHT, no frozen stuff. . .

2. Catch up 15 years worth of scrapbooks (If you add the 39 cumulative years my kids have been alive and the 33 years I've been alive, I'm less than 75 years behind!! As you can see, I set a more reachable goal!)

3. Take a harmonica class in March, so I can really embarass the kids. . .whip that baby out at the doctor's office, grocery check out line, etc. Wait, I'll have to start taking my kids to the doctor to get full use out of that harmonica tuition, DANG IT!! And oh yeah, Damian does the grocery shopping. . .I'll just have to play it when I pick them up from school, Oh, I don't do that either. . .

Now you can see why I started the BLOG, I really don't have anything else to do.