Sunday, January 27, 2008

Why am I doing this?????

I have about 5 favorite BLOGS that I read/make annoying comments on daily, but didn't know how to start my own. I thought, "I'm too busy, I have very important things to do" For example:

1. Start making dinner EVERY NIGHT, no frozen stuff. . .

2. Catch up 15 years worth of scrapbooks (If you add the 39 cumulative years my kids have been alive and the 33 years I've been alive, I'm less than 75 years behind!! As you can see, I set a more reachable goal!)

3. Take a harmonica class in March, so I can really embarass the kids. . .whip that baby out at the doctor's office, grocery check out line, etc. Wait, I'll have to start taking my kids to the doctor to get full use out of that harmonica tuition, DANG IT!! And oh yeah, Damian does the grocery shopping. . .I'll just have to play it when I pick them up from school, Oh, I don't do that either. . .

Now you can see why I started the BLOG, I really don't have anything else to do.


emily said...

How fun!!! Thanks to my hard drive crashing and losing EVERYTHING, I am rebelling against computers, internet, email, etc. I even considered writing you a paper letter. However, I can't break away completely so I'll check in on Brett's computer every once in a while. I look forward to reading your fun posts!

Tiffany said...

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. . .welcome to the blogging world. I'm sure your blog will be much for entertaining than mine. I can give you a little blogging 101 so we can see pictures at least every once and awhile. You are on my favorites list already!

The deVilleneuves said...

YOU ROCK! I laughed immediately at the're so very creative! I'm happy to have a new favorite to read and keep up with. This is gonna be a blast. You'll be much more interesting than the Pioneer Woman...although I love her because she reminds me of home. I'll love yours because you'll remind me of why I don't GO HOME! I love you and hope you have a great time on this! (shouldn't it count for scrapbooking??? I think it does!) I'll go update mine shortly, since I've neglected it the past few weeks!'re a motivation for good in my world already!
PS...the harmonica class is in MAY...just in time for Mother's Day antics! (I'd love to be a fly on the wall at your house AFTER that class!)

Anonymous said...

If you need any coaching, I'd be happy to be your mentor! (It's about time I know something you don't!) Good Luck!

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

You guys are all the best. . .I'm sure I'll bring my questions to you both, Sue and Tiffany. . .Emily, can't believe it about your hard drive. . .I can send you a disc of those pics I took of the girls, and Christie, can't wait to learn harmonica in MAY!!

Kristy Swenson said...

Congrats with your new blog!! It'll be great once you have pictures up too, so then I can see all those kids I absolutely love!! Hope all is well. P.S. so who's teaching you the harmonica? :)

youreprettytoo said...

Sarah- I love it! It reminds me of why we were such good friends in college. Bellydancing and harmonica classes?!? You are one of a kind and Damian and your kids are so lucky to have you. I'll check back often!

Krystal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Krystal said...

Oops, I didn't mean to delete my comment. It had a typo, and I was trying to just fix it. Anyway, I wanted to say that your blog is so fun to read. It is entertaining and cute! Posting pictures is easy, once you get the hang of it. If I can do it, anyone can! And...I don't believe you when you say you have nothing to do. "Mother of five, wife of one" I know that you have lots to do! You are such a cute wife and mommy.