Saturday, March 22, 2008

Beware of Old Man doing "Farm-Type Things"

I feel OLD. My knees and ankles are all pop-y and creak-y and the more I work out, the worse it gets. Damian just looks old. He has new hip problems and walks like a 60 year old. He has adorable crows feet around his eyes. We'll be turning 34 in a few months, but we seem a lot older.

Last night, towards the end of our date night, we were leaving a store and the check out girl was laughing at us. She overheard us arguing and teasing each other about our equally bad taste in outdoor lawn ornamentation. When you think of an old geezer in plaid golf pants, think Damian, and when you think of an old bitty on the stoop of a trailer, think me. . .do you get the picture? As we left the store, Damian said, "You know, I think we act like a couple of old people!" I'm glad he's finally realizing what I've known for a long time.
But now, look at this picture of my HOT OLDIE:

I will say, for an OLD MAN, he looked surprisingly STRONG as he did a burn pile in our backyard today. I stood out there like a tourist and took photos of he and the boys doing manly things. I overheard him telling them in a giddy voice, "This is the first time we've done FARM-TYPE things on our LAND!"

Of course, later, he said, "You know, it's probably not too smart to do this burn pile so far from a water source."

Oh well, "Farming" is new for us.

I love the way Ben would stand WAY back and throw little twigs on the fire. Only they never made it all the way, so someone would have to get close to the hot inferno and toss them all the way! What a BIG HELP!

Here's our oldest boy, Josh, with our new dog, Buddy. He's a loaner, but we might keep him, if he's the perfect dog for me. I know, it's always about me, but the older you get, the more set in your ways. . .and incorrigible, you get!

In order to be a perfect dog Buddy has to not mind being ignored, not run away, not bark, lick or sniff anyone, and he has to be perfectly obedient. So far, so good. We've had him about 3 hours. We'll try him out for 3 days and see what we think. I think the reason he's perfect is that he's the oldest dog I've ever known, so he should fit right in with the other OLD MAN around here. Plus, he has hip problems, they're like twins, walking on our LAND together!


The deVilleneuves said...

You're doing so good on these photos! What kind of camera are you using? I need a camera.
Very funny today...I'm guessing you ate lots and lots of Easter Chocolate! YEAH!
Wasn't it a beautiful day to do farm things? I had no idea you were "country folk". I am wondering if you guys will be doing a garden? That'd be fun to hear about. I can see lots of humor coming from you two with a garden. Seriously, there is something very satisfying about having your own piece of land to grow things (kids, gardens, weeds, trees, old dogs) all over. To work outside doing things is satisfying in a special way, and great for children. Nice job, Farmer Sarah and Farmer Damian! (And for the record, neither of you are no more talkin' like that or you'll sprout WRINKLES and GRAY HAIR! Age is a state of mind. Take it from an old fart.)
You're a good inspiration (or is that "persperation"?) for me...I should go out and get to work!

utmommy said...

I'm getting pretty old too. I can't believe I have a ten year old. How did that happen?

Everyone here wants a dog except me. I'm just not an animal person. You'll have to let me know how your loaner dog works out.

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Val, I think we might keep him, it's been almost 24 hours and he's been so perfect, either he's a talented actor, or we've finally found our dream dog. I hated all animals (and was scared of dogs) until our last one. . .a big lumbering, teddy bear. . .but he had a little escape artist problem. . .I'll have to write about him sometime. I'd definately recommend getting a half dead, old dog!