Monday, March 10, 2008

Keepin' Up with JONES-IE!!

I try not to keep up with the Jones's, but find that I must. . .
My "JONES-IE" is Kari, a dear friend from college, and here are my reasons:

1. She has a hilareous blog that I check everyday . . . she even has cool music on it from WICKED. I still can't figure out how to upload pictures, but in her honor, the first picture I upload will be of her and I. She is the REASON I started blogging.

2. She just ran her second 1/2 marathon, and looks great in a swimsuit (after 4 kids). I'm going on a cruise in May and don't want to scare all my in-laws (more on this topic later)

3. She and I used to tease our cheesy friend, Damian Idiart, before he left on his mission, about how romantically, goofy he was. . . and then, one night, Kari KISSED him. . . and obviously, I kept up with JONES-IE on this one pretty well. I kiss him ALL THE TIME!!

So . . . I am going to do better with my blog, I am going to start running and I am going to go wake up Damian and kiss him s'more . . .


youreprettytoo said...

Wow- do I feel honored! A whole post dedicated to me. You really are too sweet to me! The funny thing is I didn't even know you had done it until my sister saw it before me. Your link wouldn't work from my blog- I still don't know how my sister found it- She swears she got to it from mine, but I couldn't get it to work. But then when she told me about your post I googled your name and found a comment you had made on someone else's blog and then I was able to link back up to yours. Crazy -huh?!? Anyway- thank you for your kind, generous words. I'm sure you don't realize how much I needed to hear them today. I've had some challenges going on in my life recently and any pats on the back right now are truly heaven sent- so thank for being an answer to prayer- even if you are thousands of miles away! love you- keep up the blogging- I love catching up with you. You're one of my favorite people and you will be forever!

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

I'm a blog idiot. . .I changed my address to match my blog name, and that messed everyone up. . .I'm sure my HUGE fan base will never be back to what it was. ..ha, ha. You don't know, but you are an answer to my prayers, I just open your blog everyday, get a lot of laughs, hear a lot of good music (sometimes I just play the tunes on your blog over and over. . .I really need to get a stereo in my bedroom!) Love you!