Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Key to Managing Sick Kids

First, I was sick, now 4 of my 5 kids have it. . . aches, slight fever and a sore throat, with a barking seal cough. . .YUCKY!! I have finally found the key to relief. I bought EVERY brand of chewable tylenol and have many flavors for the kids to "CHEWS" from. . .plus, I call it Candy Medicine. Hopefully, no one overdoses and eats all the "Candy" when I'm not looking!

I left my oldest with my littles and went to work on the school yearbook with a friend, for a few hours today. My friend's youngest goest to JR. HI. with my oldest next year and then the yearbook will be MINE ALL MINE. Can you tell I'm excited to do what I want with it?


utmommy said...

So sorry you have so many sickies. No fun. Hope the candy medicine works!

Lance and Kim said...


I really hope it isn't our fault the kids are all sick! We did have lots of fun. I have some pictures posted on our blog. Thanks again. The boys webkinz user name is bdotcdot if your kids want to add them to their friends list.

The deVilleneuves said...

I hope you all feel better in time to do a little egg hunting!