Sunday, March 16, 2008

Working out makes me SICK!

OK, so I went POWER-WALKING (Not running, gotta start slow!) on Friday. . .we walked 2 miles in 30 minutes. It felt great. I came home and didn't feel so hot. . .I spent all day kinda sick. . .like a pregnant or menopause-hot-flash sick. Damian thought it was the exercise, but working out can't make you sick!! Can it?? My darling sister-in-law, Christine. kept my 5 kids for me all afternoon, so I could recover and go on a double date with her. I have an easy life. I should get sick more often!

Now for something to make my 4 readers sick. . .I chaperoned the stake dance last night (I sit at the table checking kids in each month, I know 'cush' calling) A strong boy showed up, with a swimmer tee-shirt on. I asked him what he swam and it happened to be what I swam in high school!! He can do the 100 fly in :59 seconds. . .I told him I swam it in 1:13 and he said, "WOW! That's fast, for a GIRL!" OK, that part should make you proud, not sick, here comes the sick part:

I felt very proud of myself and how dang buff I was. Unfortunately, then I flexed and said, "That's why I have these!" I meant my muscles, but he looked so embarrassed, I think HE THOUGHT I meant my chest. . .OH, just another "Open Mouth, Insert Foot," that I'm so good at. I hope they don't release me!! I hope I don't get arrested for sexual harrassment, of a minor!

Someday I'll post some photos of my HS Swim Records board, I held 3. . . and a shot of me flexing my huge muscles, in my swimsuit, back in '92. . . it's good only 4 people know about this blog. Oh, and Kari's sister (#5). . .you must think I'm a weirdo.


Mandy said...

Make that six people who read your blog Sarah, and I am breathlessly waiting for those swim team photos! I linked over from Tiff's blog - I love you and I love your blog. Thanks for the laughs Sarah!
Love, Mandy

The deVilleneuves said...

Oh, yeah! I'm laughing so dang hard over here that I ALMOST peed!! (I'm picturing the look on the poor guy's face as he tries to explain to his mother about you...and how you were the LEADER!) YOU ROCK! I wanna see the pics when you get them up. And, I just have t' say, I believe every word about all those records...I'm tellin' you, you swim like an Olympian! I love to watch you butterfly on over to get a young woman out of the pond during motivates me to want to do better! Thanks for sharing with us 4. (Do my children count? If so, you've got a much bigger fan base than you think!)

beca said...

You should try Jazzercise, that won't make you sick.