Monday, May 12, 2008

Slick Track Fun!

Yesterday we took 6 of our 9 Trek kids and Emma to race Go Carts . . . Damian was the photographer (His recent car accident made him a likely candidate for more whiplash, especially with me behind the wheel!)

Emma was afraid to drive at first . . . you can see me helping her buckle up. If you check out this photo a little larger, you can see my exciting new "Cruise to Florida" haircolor. . . It's a little part spunky and a little part orange, I'll probably get it "fixed" when I get home!

Emma warmed up to the idea and drove herself, after 5 minutes. She was a little scary out there, purposely trying to crash into everyone . . . she's learned from the best. We had a great time, and then stopped at DQ for treats.

Slick Track $120

DQ $30

Bonding with the kids we'll spend 4 days with on the Pioneer Handcart Trek: Priceless!!


Leslie said...

You guys are so cool!

Andrea said...

This looks like so much fun. Remember when you taught me to drive a stick, in the 90 year old Subaru that didn't have 2nd gear (or was it third?)? Only in Alaska can you teach underage kids to drive unsafe cars on public roads. Have FUN on your trip! I think your hair needs no fixing. It is very hip as I am sure Emma has told you.

m+b said...

Ha ha I love the last picture of Emma!! It looks like she had a blast!! And she looks so determined to beat everyone! Have fun on your trip!! I'm still so jealous!