Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Last Day of School!

Today I snuck over to the school for the last day, with Benjamin. I enjoyed watching Katrina giggle with BFF. They participated in SOME game and didn't do others, choosing to sit out TOGETHER. They are two peas in a pod! I am praying they are in the same class again, next year! The cafeteria served sack lunches and Benny loved eating there! He, Katrina and my nephew, SpideyHulkMr.Incredible, ate with Rachel and her Bosom BFF's class.

We LOVE Mrs. McGonagle. Her daughter and Emma became friends the first day of Kindergarten, 6 years ago! She went back into teaching and was Rachel and Katrina's Kindergarten teacher. She is so nice and sweet. We can't wait for Ashton to have her next year, and Ben, the year after that! We hope to see her over the summer, too!

Rachel was so cute doing a wet sponge relay with her buddies. They had to pass a soaking wet sponge over their heads, down the line and the last person had to squeeze the water into a bottle. Their team ALMOST won!

After field day, the class helped Mrs. Lunte move all her gear to a new classroom. Rachel and her friend found these notebooks in a box and begged them off their teacher!

Mrs. Lunte was Emma's Kindergarten and 1st grade Teacher. Now, Rachel has had her for 1st & 2nd and we couldn't have been happier! She is a wonderful person and Rachel will miss her. Rachel's two best friends (in the photo) will stay with Mrs. Lunte next year (she's teaching a 2nd/3rd blend). Luckily, their classroom is right next door to Rachel's, and they'll recess and do lunch together, so that's good!

I caught Josh in a belly chuckle moment! He and his friend were so cute, doing the gunny sac race! Their team WON!

Then, they played "Simon Says" crawling and doing a crab walk!

This cheesy photo is of Josh with his teacher, Mrs. Bjorge. He's had a very fun year and enjoyed being in her class, a ton. She's a great teacher and I look forward to Rachel having her next year!

5th graders are TOO COOL for words! I am scared to death, that Emma starts Middle School next year!

We snuck into Em's class to help her clean her desk with shaving cream. And wring out sponges. I think the boys liked playing in the water as much as they liked getting dirty!

Emma had Mr. DeFranco for 2nd grade, also. I attribute any responsibility she's learned, in regards to her education, to him! He's a fantastic teacher and I hope all my kids have a chance to be in his class!


utmommy said...

Yeah for school being out!

Yeah for summer!

Elaine Goold said...

How fun to share in their last day of school fun! Thanks! It was fun to see their teachers also! What a fun school Mae Richardson is!!

Lance and Kim said...

Fun pictures. Your children all have the greatest smiles. Zac's class played the sponge relay game on the last day of school too. I'm envious that you only had to go to one school. I got to attend 3 last day of school parties at three different locations.