Monday, July 21, 2008

My Italians, Part QUATTRO

This photo is of a beach in Sardinia, the island in Italy that my little sister, Briana, lives on.

Hopefully, it's one of the many beaches I'll be swimming in, this fall, when I go for her wedding. And hopefully, I'll look that good in MY purple one-piece suit!

Sardinia is the island in red. Bosa, Briana's town, is located on the western side, towards the top.

When Briana first went to Bosa last year she had just broken up with an Italian flame. She wrote him saying she'd wait on this bridge over the Temo River, at the same time, in case he wanted to get back together. A local guy, Sem, noticed her sitting there everyday and asked about her. They were introduced and Briana quickly forgot about her old flame. This is a photo of the bridge she was waiting on, when she caught Sem's eye!

Another shot of the bridge that brought Briana and Sem together. And you can see the castle that overlooks the city. I've seen virtual tours online of the frescos inside the chapel and can't wait to see them in real life!

I am really excited to spend a few weeks in this cute little town, soaking up the Italian sun and food, visiting with my family and getting to know Sem and Lucca, Briana's little step-son!



utmommy said...

Wow! It looks beautiful there!

You'll have a blast when you go visit.

Leslie said...

That beach is gorgeous. When are you going to Italy? That will be an amazing trip too!

Larsen's said...

You get to go this place!? It is beautiful! I can't wait to see pictures, but with YOU in them!