Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Valdez: "Laughing it up!"

Yesterday Emily and I left Valdez. We spent 3 days in our hometown and had a great time! We camped, ate fried fish EVERY DAY, visited old friends and hiked.

OK, so it was too cold and misty to really go hiking, but I did find a snowbank to hike (as pictured above) What a crazy thing, snow still hanging around in July! I don't know if dirt is tossed on it to help it melt, or if the dirt/snow is plowed up, with the snow blowers, during winter???

This must be the dorkiest picture of me, EVER TAKEN!! And that includes all my BIG HAIR photos! My mom says I look like a rabbit sometimes, this must be the look she's talking about! I think I might need to reconsider laughing so much, if I look like I'm about to explode when I do it. WEIRD.
Emily told me I HAD to post this, to KEEP IT REAL. Thanks for the bad advice, Em!

My geophysicist brother, Jonathan, in living in Valdez as he mines for Gold under receding glaciers. He has a camera crew from LA following him, making a documentary. They gave him the night off, to go out to dinner with me and Emily. The speed at which I shovel food into my face would alarm the general public.
It was great to see him. I'll post about his movie later. Unless they use my interview footage. Then, I'll just curl up and die. They interviewed me in the rain and I look like a DROWNED rabbit.

My favorite part of my hometown visit was seeing old friends. We visited yesterday afternoon with my fellow HS lifeguard/co-captain of the Swim Team, Jennifer. She has 3 adorable boys and it was fun to meet them! We laughed so hard, catching up after 14 years. Then, we went to visit her parents. I haven't laughed that hard in FOREVER!

I'm on my way home today. I'm excited to see my family, but will miss Emily and my Alaska Adventures! I still have LOTS of photos to post and things to share, so keep reading!


Grandma Duffy said...

Sarah you are just too cute. It is so fun to read your posts. I wish you were closer so my girls could "play" with you and their kids with your kids!

Andrea said...

I am so happy that your trip was so much fun! I don't think that picture was that dorky, and I tell Hailey all the time she has bunny teeth, and I think it is adorable. Hopefully Mrs. Mauldin doesn't read your comments!

Leslie said...

You look so happy in your Alaska pictures. I hope that you have a wonderful trip!! You make me want to go to Alaska - but I would never go with out you. :)

Larsen's said...

Oh goody! I am glad to find your blog! I will have to take some time to catch up. Hope you are doing great...

allison nadauld said...

Great pics. Hilarious mock-umentary. We can't wait to see you!