Saturday, July 26, 2008

Park Day

I've been posting about myself a little too much lately.

I OCCASIONALLY mention my kids. I want you to know that I am a mother first and a blogger second. And then a wife. No, I'm kidding. But Damian did "talk" to me about maybe only blogging AFTER the kids are in bed.

Yesterday I took my kids and a niece to the squirt park for 3 hours. That's Emma pushing Mary. She wears her swimsuit coverup as a muumuu!

My Katrina treats her cousin Mary like a junior mother. She is so sweet to her. I enjoy watching her care for all the little ones. I think she'll be an IN DEMAND babysitter, in a few years.

The park wore the kids out. When we got home, they were tired and ready for some quiet time. I did some laundry, cleaned the bathroom and THEN I turned on my computer and started blogging. Really. Then, miracle above all miracles, they all went over to their babysitters house and made a movie (to be posted later, after the editing process). So I enjoyed my computer, GUILT FREE, all afternoon!


Anonymous said...

I just read all your current posts. All of them made me lol! First, love the glasses in your baptism picture- that one could rival Kari's "first post picture"- if you haven't seen it go find it- the glasses are EXACTLY the same. Then, did you really live in that Mexican restaurant/ hairdresser place? cute blog!

The deVilleneuves said...

But...Damian's on HIS computer all day, why can't YOU?
Kidding...I know you put motherhood way before blogging. But, we're glad you put blogging before reading in the tub, or we might NEVER hear from you!