Monday, August 25, 2008

Abby and Me

I made a really good friend my Junior Year in High School, Abby G. She was a Senior and we were on the school newspaper together. As the photographers, we spent a lot of time laughing our heads off, in the darkroom. We abused our darkroom privileges and took/developed tons of photos of ourselves. This is one of those. Abby, probably the quietest, most unassuming girl in school was voted Prom Queen and she and I had fun joking about that. She was lots of fun and a true friend. I've often thought of her, over the past 17 years because we didn't stay in touch.

I visited my hometown, Valdez, Alaska, last month and we ran into each other. Abby is working there for the summer, taking a break from her real life in Seattle. If there is one person that hasn't aged in 17 years, it's her. She is still as beautiful as she was then and just as sweet and fun. It was great to see her!


Amber said...

I reconnected with some friends from elementary and middle school a few months ago. It's so much fun to see how people have changed. I think it's great that you still have so many friends from you home town! You are so such a great person....they are lucky to have you in their lives!

Lance and Kim said...

How fun I always hope I will run in to some old friends when we go to San bruno, but I think most people have moved away. Something about home prices! I am impressed that yo have such a collection of photos.

Andrea said...

I love your old big hair pictures ;D I have a few people that I would like to know what they are up to now. Its neat you got to find out how she's doing.

beca said...

I like your gloves. Can I borrow them?

utmommy said...

Oh my gosh, I love that picture! Too funny.

allison nadauld said...

Where can I get a pair of those gloves? Does she know that you were Miss Valdez? You have one up on her!
Hey, let's see those pageant pictures next!

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Yes, Abby knew I was Miss Valdez, I'm sure she teased me mercilessly about that. Remember, my high school had less than 200 kids, so we all knew EVERYTHING about each other. And No, I won't be posting those photos anytime soon. I'm too embarrassed that my earings didn't match my crown in the headshots. ha,ha

Eric said...

Now that's serendipity! I miss you. I'm coming out to visit this weekend (For labor day)! I don't know if you all have anything planned, but I would love to be able to see you.
