Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Breaking Dawn

I am a Jacob fan. After reading the first 3 books a second time, I barely even liked Bella! I felt the injustice in her actions toward Jacob, very strongly. She became a whiny, lovesick teenie-bopper to me. And Edward was too over the top and possessive. I couldn't be happy where I thought the books were going.

So, I put off reading Book 4, Breaking Dawn, as long as possible (3 days!) I loaned it to someone, then I re-read the first 3 in the series, but I finally opened it last night at 9pm. I thought I'd take it slow, sure it would disappoint me. I read until 2am, then picked it back up at 8am and read until 11am, finishing in 8 hours.

I thought the book was delicious. I am amazed at what Stephenie Meyer was able to do. I find it unusual that I like each book independent of the others. They are all part of the larger tale, but each tell a wonderful story alone.

The events in the book immortalized all the characters in a perfect state, for me. I have no negative feeling for any. Not even Rosalie! Stephenie Meyer completed each character's story (could she start writing for LOST, please?) I had a secret desire for Bella's future and that was realized. I loved that Jacob was made happier than I thought possible. Saying that each character had a happy ending doesn't begin to cover the feeling of closure this book provided. Sometimes I feel a little 'depressed' when a series ends, wishing I it wasn't over, but this ending was perfect. Mrs. Meyer is a genius.

I love that these books are clean . . . a few unnecessary swear words and a few references to married relations (but no pre-marital relations!) I still think this series is best for girls over 18, but you all know what a prude I am about books. I am proud that Stephenie Meyer claims her education from my Alma mater, BYU. Damian and she were in a ward (congregation) together their freshmen year. I am so proud of the way she's written these books, full of her values and morals. She has taught wonderful lessons to the world. I've never read another Vampire book and probably never will. To me, these books are about the MESSAGE and the characters are secondary. The messages are:

Good Always Conquers Evil, in the End
Love Triumphs Over All and is Eternal
FAMILY is the Most Important Thing There Is
Sacrificing for Those you Love Makes all Things Better
You CAN Control your Weaknesses and NOT Give into Temptation
It is Worth it to WAIT for the Best Things in Life
There IS Life after Death and Justice and Mercy for All


Amber said...

I couldn't agree more, you couldn't have said it better!!!!! I just barely closed the book for the final time with a little tear in my eye knowing I wasn't going to be able to read this story from this perspective again!

Lana said...

I just finished and I loved it!

Krystal said...

I'm a Jacob fan too!! (Almost everyone I ask, is an Edward fan). And I couldn't agree more with your descriptions of Bella and Edward. But, I do like the books/stories, and I love the messages that you pulled out of them. I might use some of your ideas at our bookclub meeting this month...We're discussing the Twilight series.

youreprettytoo said...

I think I am the only person out there who isn't a Twilight obsessed fan. I read the first book and enjoyed it but didn't feel the pull to read the others. My friends all tell me that would change if I read the others. But I do know enough of the story to appreciate your post about it. Which brings me to my next point-you commented on my blog about running a 1/2 marathon and appreciating my friend Julie's suggestion with the olive oil. I think you would absolutely love Julie. I wish all my friends could meet each other. I think that is what heaven will be like- we get to be with the people we love and all the people they love! Anyway- julie likes Jacob better as well- to bring it back to your post! Plus I'm so proud of you that you are going to run a 1/2 marathon. I promise you can do it. If I can do it -anyone can! Just be sure to stick to your training schedule. I'm excited to hear about it!

Anonymous said...

Well, I agree with 'youreprettytoo'. I read the first one and wasn't really obsessed with it at all. Not at all. Vampires really carry little appeal for me. B-b-b-b-b-b-ut....after reading your glowing review, I mmmmmmmmmight just want to reconsider reading the others. And not just because Sis. Meyer is a Mormon.

So there.

m+b said...

You are tearing this family apart!!!
I used to look up to my educated witty sister for guidance in this MTV controlled world...but now I just don't know who to trust!!!
Maybe I'll look to VH1 for older sybling advice...NO MORE STUPID VAMPIRE LOVE STORIES!!!!
If there were at least killing and subterfuge involved than that would be one thing...like that classic 80's flick with Kiefer Sutherland titled, "Lost Boys". I have it if you want to be truley entertained about vampires. Love you, Mike
p.s. Becca makes me sign each comment so you know that it isn't her.