Friday, August 22, 2008

Katrina's Late-Nighter Party!

Quick trip around Katrina's Birthday party . . . Let's start with the spread: A chocolate fountain complete with the rules: One Healthy fruit snack for each tasty treat dipped in it! Also, a bubbly Pink Lemonade fountain that pulsated cool colors and made the floor very sticky!

Now, the guests: 4 friends, 2 sisters, 1 cousin, and 2 babysitters. Katrina is obviously happy!

Here are Katrina's favorite BIG girls, Her babysitter Hillary, Emma (her sister) and Emma's best buddy, Alli. I think as the cousins use Emma as a babysitter and Hillary starts being too busy with High School, Alli will be our new babysitter. She is so nice and the girls (and Ben) all adore her. (the blue tape was something they put on, when hanging streamers, then forgot to take off!)

Now, onto the gifts! Katrina was thrilled with all her nice presents, this is the one she took with her to her Uncle's house (he hosted a sleepover for all 12 cousins, so the parents could have time alone this weekend, while HIS wife was out of town) And here I sit, blogging in a quiet house. I'd better hurry up, before Damian starts to resent my computer/best friend.

Katrina's best friend, A gives Katrina a matching outfit every year. The girls have made plans to wear their clothes on the second day of school. They are in the same class again this year and can't wait! I am posting about the two of them on Katrina's REAL birthday (the 28th) so be prepared for more matching clothes (and cute faces!)

Let's cover the Party Games! Alli brought her nail stamps and all the girls had manicures/pedicures. The girls with the Manicures had a sugar/baby oil rub, then a soak in milk/lemon juice. The girls with the Pedicures soaked in a bubble bath solution. I think the Pedis got gyped, but I didn't tell them.

Here is Katrina's cousin, with her beautiful Manicure.

The girls came, with sleeping bags in tow. They had a pillow fight, played a life size board game, and giggled a lot. We partied until 9pm!! That is a late nighter FOR SURE! So good night!


Andrea said...

Happy Birthday. Your girls are so beautiful! That is one nice Uncle! 12 kids, the thought of it would give me a panic attack.

Lana said...

Happy Birthday Katrina! Looks like a super fun party!!

Krystal said...

Happy Birthday to Katrina. That chocolate fountain looks so yummy!

Tiffany said...

so cute, but why does my daughter have some physco face in all the pics? :)

Lance and Kim said...

How fun, can you plan my next party? Happy Birthday Katrina; you are a beautiful girl.

Unknown said...

cute pics!! love the white dishes, I think I have all of them!! chocolate fountain...yummmm on the green plates, is that her face or am I seeing things...where did you get that done? Bobby was cracking up at the girls with the close ups of their he kept saying..."silly girls!"

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Tamara, that's actually Hannah Montana's face, but Katrina will be THRILLED that you thought it was her. . .

Amber said...

Cute party! Camerons is coming up soon...wanna plan it...but instead of Hannah Montana on the plates he would prefer Lightning McQueen!!! Looks like they had fun...I recognize a couple of the friens....Malia and Aspen are in our CTR6 Class. So much fun! Happy Birthday Katrina!

Shane Zundel said...

Hey seems how I am stalking your page again. I thought I would say Hi, and also my oldest (Kelsey) wanted to say hi to Emma as well.
So hi to everyone from us :)

Larsen's said...

That sounds like an awesome party! The food spread looks de-lish...

Elaine Goold said...

Wow! What a fun party! I love chocolate! I want a chocolate fountain in my kitchen! I wish I could have been there! We sure do love you Nina and hope you have a wonderful 6th birthday! Love, Grandma