Friday, August 8, 2008

My Stake Buddies

In the LDS faith, everyone takes turns serving in different positions or "callings." I love the blessings I receive as I serve others, and in the process, I serve the Lord. I've usually been asked to serve in the Primary (Children's) organization, and usually as the Chorister, leading the kids in song. I was basically a singing story-time lady for a total of 6 years, and you can guess how much I loved doing that!

Recently, I've been serving the 12-18 year old girls as a Couselor in the Stake Young Women's Presidency. Our Stake is made up of 9 Wards (Congregations) with about 2500 Latter-Day Saints, total. I love my calling and the women I work with. I really love the girls I serve and their Ward Leaders.

Last night I went to dinner with my buddies in the Stake Young Women Presidency: Kirsten (Our fearless Pres), Me & Denise (Kirsten's counselors) and Wendy, (our VERY VALUABLE Secretary). We have worked together for a year, and last week, Denise was released from this assignment and asked to serve in her Ward. Denise, I love you and I am missing you already.

This photo, in the shadow of Marilyn Monroe's cleavage, includes two more important women we work closely with. Renae (2nd from left) is our Stake Camp Director. And Julie (in the yellow) was our Stake Trek Coordinator. I am very blessed to be part of this group of wonderful women. They are all so fun, righteous and PATIENT WITH ME. I love you, ladies!

And thanks for dinner, Kirsten, since my credit card mysteriously didn't work last night.


utmommy said...

Sounds like you serve with some pretty amazing women!

Stacey said...

You are such a busy woman! I don't know how you keep up with everything. I can't even write a daily blog or take a pic. I'm overwhelmed, and I do nothing. Pass along your secret....

Anonymous said...

I know you're going to miss Denise, and I will miss her as a stake leader, too, but OUR WARD NEEDS HER BACK! So, any news on the new counselor?

Kirsten said...

What a nice tribute! The picture (of me) is a bit scary though! And you are so welcome for dinner although I knew it really was just a ruse for a freebie!!! Just kidding. I do owe you, eh?