Sunday, September 21, 2008

My BYU Roomie!

My BYU Roomie, Genny is about to have her first baby. G, you are the cutest, BULGIEST pregnant woman, EVER!! Just looking at photos of her tummy growing makes me grin, and then my back starts to hurt. I'd better go put my feet up!

I took a little road trip to attend Genny's baby shower a few weekends ago. I finally got to meet G's BFF, Melissa (MO). Melissa was someone I'd been wanting to meet for about 15 years and we had a really fun time together.

We played a classic shower game, "Guess the Pregnant Belly Measurement, Using Your Whits and Toilet Paper Squares." I always win at this game. Really, I do. What to know my secret? I am really putting myself out on the line, for the greater good of Baby Shower Participants everywhere, I tell you.

This shows one woman's guess, but she was 2 squares off. She isn't privy to the info that I'm about to share. Oh, and please note how tan I look in this photo.

Drumroll please . . . My big winning secret REVEALED!!

I just measure my own waist and add ONE square. That's it. The secret to success (If you are as wide as me). I know, I shouldn't admit that my waist is the same size as Genny's since I haven't been pregnant in 4 years.

I'm just keepin' it real, friends!

Here is my winning guess held alongside the one used to ACTUALLY measure Genny's girth. Oh, and my hand, clapping for myself in the corner. I love winning. Even if I have to admit I'm still the same size as a pregnant woman.

Just another photo of myself, too bad I didn't flex my huge biceps for the camera.

Do you see how the sun glints off my hair, highlighting it naturally? That's actually a little orange squarish shape, dark hair all around it. Like a strange patch/dye job gone bad. I tried going "Ghetto" and had my hair done before my cruise at the beauty school. I have these strange orange blobs all over my crown.

Again, just keepin' it real. I need to get into a decent beautician before my trip to Italy next month! OK, back to Genny.

She received this adorable hand painted chair/toothbrushing stool from her wonderful Mother-in-Law. I enjoyed seeing the love Genny's family has for her and the upcoming baby made manifest. She also has great friends that love and support her. She married the PERFECT man for her and I love seeing them together. I am so happy for my dear friend and all the blessings the Lord is filling her life with. I can't wait for this new baby to be born. My prayers and thoughts are with you, Genny! xoxoxo


Beka said...

Sarah, you are a great friend. You keep in contact with people for decades and even attend their baby showers...How dooooooo you do it?

youreprettytoo said...

Congrats to Genny- I remember her. She is a cute pregnant lady, but I;m pretty sure your waist is not the same as any pregnant lady. Also I noticed you put David Archuleta's song "Crush" on your playlist. I don't know if I ever told you but he lives in my ward- or at least he did until he became famous. His family still lives here. I just wanted to do a little name- dropping so you could think I was cool!

Krystal said...

Pregnant women are always so cute. I think that baby must be laying down horizontally though in her belly! Josh thought the picture was fake and she put a basketball under her shirt! :) haha.

I got my hair cut at a beauty school once too...big mistake. I walked in with hair to my waist, and left with hair above my shoulders. A few pieces were even about chin level. (Don't ask me how!) My dad about died...then he said "you get what you pay for." I vowed to never go to a beauty school again, but when Kimber was in cosmetology school, I let her cut my hair. (As long as her instructor was close by!) Now she has her license, a real job, and she does fabulous work...Too bad she doesn't live in Oregon or I'd send her your way! :) She could even hook you up with a manicure and pedicure too. :)

Amber said...

You are such a great friend!

I am planning on going in the morning (monday 9/22) I won't go if it's raining....I wasn't sure if you guys do! I am going to email you my phone number....just incase you guys go and I don't show or what not!

Nicole said...

OH HOW I love how you "KEEP IT REAL" .. you are so funny and way too much fun to be with. Do you know how bad I want to laugh with you? Please make sure we can hang out next time you're in town. I heard you have a trip coming up.. I haven't seen you since last Halloween and JUST WAIT till you see me.. I am a freaking HOT CHICK again!! Can I get a woot woot?

Andrea said...

That is a basketball belly! How cute, I love pregnant bellies!