Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Benny's Christmas Letter

Now that school is out, Josh (10 yrs) and Ben (4 yrs) are spending a lot of time together. Josh enjoys having someone adore him and Ben just plain wants to be in Josh's shadow. They are so cute together.

Tonight, they had a sleep over in Josh's room (Josh can't find his manly sleeping bag,so he's been using his sister's!) Before they fell asleep, Josh helped Ben with his letter to Santa. Just so you know, Josh helped me wrap all of Ben's presents today, so he knows that Ben is only getting a few things on the list, but it doesn't hurt to ask, right?

Here is the letter, with Josh's spelling/punctuation (I've highlighted the things Ben IS getting!):

Dear Santa,

For Christmas, I want a DS with lots of fun games, a TV in my room and a computer. Wall.E the movie, Bolt the movie, The Clone Wars and Kung Fu Panda, the movie. A lightsaber like Josh's, STAR WARS Action Figures like my cousin's and animal cards, Pokemon cards and STAR WARS cards. Maybe Heely's (Little Ones). I want a Limo with a Pool and hot tub. A BIG "iPot" (ipod) that's blue, lots of games for it and a Sonic Movie. And STAR WARS ornamints.

Love, Ben Aaaawww, he looks so sweet and NON-GREEDY in this picture!


Damian Idiart said...

Those are my boys. I hope Santa surprises all of us with something incredible on our doorstep. I guess I am as greedy as the little ones. Merry Christmas to anyone that reads this comment.

Kari said...

Is that the first time your hubby commented on your blog?? Anyway, how does Benny even know about a limo with a pool and a hot tub? And when he gets one, can we come over and use it?? Or better yet, just drive over and pick us up in it!!

Cindy and Robert said...

either you highlighting didn't work or he ain't getting nothing for christmas....

Merry Christmas Idiarts!

Jennie said...

Okay, I know that he mentioned lots of outrageous things, but I'm SOOOO glad that your preschooler loves movies and electronics as mine does. Reading your blog makes me feel much better about my parenting than those crazy "no TV" articles in the parenting magazines.

maggie moran said...

Nope, I don't get the greedy vibe either! Merry Christmas and Happy Bloggy New Year! :)

Kristi said...

Josh was so great when they came over. You sent him to baby sit right?
I like the details in Benny's requests. He is so funny.

Christine said...

WOW...was that DAMIAN IDIART's name at the top of this comment sheet....that can't be right! Seriously? I am so proud of your cute little hubby! I didn't think he ever read your blog or commented for that matter! I'm so proud of him. Well yes....I realized how much Benny adores Josh the other day when Marcus wanted to play and Benny said..."I don't want to stay, I just want to go home and play with Josh!" That was classic...a live-in playmate is always the best anyway and although I was a bit sad that Marcus and Benny aren't really friends anymore I thought it was so sweet that I didn't mind. And Josh is the best kid around so Benny can't go wrong spending all his time with him!

Andrea said...

How quickly everyone forgets that not too long ago Damian commented on Sarah's Hottness. I think it is so cute that Josh helped Ben with his list. And I would get him the hot tub!

Krystal said...

Too bad he didn't get the Limo or the hot tub...maybe next year?? What a cutie!