Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Nativity Play and More Chimes

We've staged a Nativity Play in the Idiart Family for years. This year, half our cast was in Utah with in-laws, but we pulled off a very exuberant play, without them.

Back Row: Jared (Wise Man), Katrina (Angel), Marcus (Shepherd), Grandma (Narrator), Rachel (Mary) Damian (Joseph) and Baby Jesus, Josh (Wise Man) Emma (Angel Gabriel and Herod)

Front Row: Elise (Sheep) and Christine (Elisabeth, Shepherd and Herod's Scribe) Sarah (Heavenly Host/Photographer), Ben (Donkey/Shepherd) and Grandpa (Wise Man)

Angel Gabriel (Emma) letting Mary (Rachel) know that she'd be the mother of the Son of God. We found this white terry robe in the attic, it was a gift from my Miss Valdez days. Emma has commandeered it and wears it around the house. What we don't know is if she has anything underneath??!!

Mary (Rachel) visiting her cousin, Elisabeth (Aunt Christine). As you know, Elisabeth is pregnant with John the Baptist and her womb lept with joy when Mary visited. You should have seen Christine's interpretation! That "baby" had some gymnastics moves to share!

A little known fact about Damian . . . he was in Drama in High School. The good ol' days come back to haunt us all during these Nativity Plays.
Angel Gabriel visited Joseph to let him know about Mary's condition, but before that, Damian helped us all experience what Joseph may have been thinking/dreaming before Gabriel came on the scene. Next year I'm giving Damian a part with no possibility of interpretation, to preserve the reverence of the Play. Maybe the slug that crawled up the stable wall would be a good choice?

Here's my lovely husband again in my HS Graduation robe (I'm not sure what expression he's making, or why he wears white socks/black shoes/shorts in the middle of winter??!!) Joseph, Mary (notice her pregnant belly) and Donkey are heading for Bethlehem. Ben was supposed to be Joseph, with Damian the Donkey, but Ben had no interest in being married. He NEVER plans to marry because he NEVER wants to kiss a girl on the lips, apparently. Because Ben's not strong enough to "carry" Rachel, so poor, pregnant Mary had to walk all the way to Bethlehem in our Play.

Here is the stable where "Jesus" was born, with the shepherds visiting.

The Wise Men approached Herod to find out where Baby Jesus was, and then went to visit, worship and present gifts. The end. See you all next year.
Maybe I'll video the antics so you can all enjoy the Irreverent Idiarts.

After the Play, the kids played a few more chime songs. We didn't have much time to practice the new numbers, so the kids were struggling to make the songs recognizable. A few adults thought they might enjoy giving it a shot.

Unfortunately, we agreed and then we had to listen to them do worse than the kids, with more practice. We finally took to singing to drown out their miserable attempt at "O Christmas Tree." They really did play that dumb song at least 15 times and never got good. I'm sorry, but you guys are not allowed to play chimes again, unless you have weekly practice sessions next year, starting in July.


Unknown said...

This looks like so much fun! Love the pic of your dramatic hubby, and you never know-maybe those Bethlehem slugs could talk, sing and dance...cast him as the very important stable hay...and see what he comes up with!

Lana said...

sounds like a wonderful production!

sorry about the chimes. We sometimes have family "talent" shows. It's really pretty pathetic. Some people do such fabulous things as finger exersises or saying the alphabet in pig latin...several times, SO I can totally empathize with the torture you had to suffer :)

Kristi said...

Spencer's family usually does the nativity too but didn't this year so I am glad you posted pictures from the Idiart nativity.
I remember doing those chimes when I was little. You have to get some pretty musically talented people to make those sound good.

Damian Idiart said...

Everyone actually complemented me on my performance. I never knew that my wife was such a harsh critic of my acting.

Christine said...

I love it! THanks for posting about this so I can steal more pics from you. ANd yes...we do need to start practicing so we can be ready for next year but it was not Oh Christmas was It came upon a Midnight Clear...that's a hard song and some of the numbers were NOT marked correctly mind you! Either way yes...we do need a little more work...those kids were IMPRESSIVE!

Anonymous said...

What a riot! I love all the family traditions you Idiarts have. It makes me wish I lived nearer my family, too!

Beka said...

Oh what fun it is to be an Idiart at Christmastime! Loved this post.

Autumn said...

What a fun tradition. We got two shephards dressed up this year, and that's about it (no other grandkids on matt's side yet), so our play wasn't much of one. Someday we will have an idiart sized cast!

Elaine Goold said...

Damian, I'm sure I would have loved your performance - just looking at the photos had me cracking up!! Sarah just wanted a spiritual reverent Joseph and forgot to tell you. You know how spiritual and reverent her father is - she just has such high expectations!!! Now I can hear you laughing!! Love the commentary and photos!! Daniel is home!! He tried to call you and left a message. We'll have to try calling again. He's already dating!!

Jennie said...

So fun. I've never heard of the Christmas slug before, but I'd loved to see it acted by the (in)famous Damian. What fun memories for your kids. Jameson wants to comment:

gurifhedrwhrjyeruieowdjhrwuorryewjiyhedjyeuwyeywewydjwh (Christmas is fun)

Lance and Kim said...

Way to go! We just used Nativity hand puppets!

Krystal said...

What a fun tradition! I love it! I love the costumes and acting too. Those chimes are hard to play. I played once with Josh's family. It was fun and the songs were very...interesting. :)