Sunday, January 18, 2009

St. George Visit

Last week I went home to my parents house. My brother Daniel just got home from his church mission to Panama. Check out his cool tie . . . a lady on his mission handmade it. It's called a Mola and you can see more examples on THIS PAGE. It's a beautiful art form, native to Panama. It was great spending time with him, he's grown so much and has gained a lot of confidence and knowlege. He gave a wonderful talk (sermon) at church and I am thrilled to see what life brings him next.

I also got to hang with 2 of my other brothers: Eric and Michael. They each took a night entertaining me since my parents are so old they go to bed early and Daniel is a dating machine. They each took a night of entertaining their middle aged sister.

The first night Eric, my parents and I went to dinner at Olive garden and then Eric and I went to "Bedtime Stories." It was a cute movie and great for kids. Eric was a good sport about being my date (since Damian and my kids had already seen it!) I'm really proud of him and love him a bunch. Of all 5 brothers, I've spent the most time with Eric and probably know him the best. He spends more time with our family than the others and I'll miss him lots when he leaves on a mission. He's so smart and funny and great with my kids. He and I are 16 years apart and I like to tease him that I'm really his mother.

Another night, I went to my newly married brother Michael's house. I just love his wife Becca. He couldn't have picked a nicer girl to marry. Or should I say TRICKED a nicer girl into marrying him. NO, I'm kidding. I do like to tease him, she really is so wonderful. They invited me to play on ROCK BAND 2 for the first time. I had a blast. I didn't evern try the guitar, it confused me. I really stink at drums and could only get a 73% on easy. I could get 100% on vocals of all the songs I knew. After playing we were supposed to go out with Daniel to the movies, but he stood us up. For his future wife, maybe??

And the crowning moment of my trip, BEATING MY DAD AT RUMMY! I've won a few games against him, but this victory was sweeter, with half of my brothers around. The last time I beat him with this much joy was in 1990, while vacationing in Mexico. . . I "Shot the Moon" at Hearts, playing him and my brother Jonathan on the balcoony overlooking the ocean in Puero Vallarta. . . so you can tell it made quite an impression on me. This time, I took a photo of the score sheet.

Another thing I really enjoyed was going for walks with my mom. Poor woman, I talked the whole time and we walked 2 hours the first day and 1.5 the next. I was teasing Michael that he talks too much and my mom schooled me by letting me know that I talk more than he does!


Unknown said...

Awww...sounds/looks like you had a great time with your family! Love the photo of you rockin the vocals!

Leslie said...

Winna, Winna, Winna! I knew you were awesome - this post confirms it! What a fun trip - cute brother...bummer all my sisters are married. :)

Grandma Duffy said...

You had a great visit. You are lucky to have such a great relationship with your siblings! I was so happy to see a post from you today!! I miss you!

maggie moran said...

Love the photos as everyone looks happy and healthy except the pouting father! :D

I just wanted to warn you, Looking for Alaska is a little rough to be reading aloud to the kids. I would put it in the real young adult catagory (18-22yrs) for some things are a little advance for the family. ;)

m+b said...

OH Sarah, your too nice! We had fun hanging out with you too and can't wait to see you again!! Hopefully things will work out so we can come visit you and your family!!

Krystal said...

What a fun trip! It looks like you had lots of fun rockin', walkin', talkin' and winning at Rummy. :) Daniel's tie is very cool too.

Anonymous said...

Way fun! I love the long-suffering, tolerant looks on your brothers' faces in the guitar hero scene -- you must be older than them, otherwise they wouldn't put up with you and your center stage addiction! (Just kidding -- I'm just as bad, but my brothers would never put up with me!)

Jennie said...

How fun. You know, Eric and Daniel were always the two that wanted (or should I say, were convinced) to come up north to spend some time with their relatives. We always called Eric little Eric because he was so cute. Heather kindly suggested to us when he was about 14 that we shouldn't call him "little" anymore.

suzy said...

You sure have a good looking family. I love that you took a picture of the score sheet.

Rebecca said...

You "ROCKED" the photo. I love it Sarah!!! It was such a nice post and good to hear about your family! Nothing like spending quality time with family!!!

Elaine Goold said...

I love the rock band photo - you are NUTS! And I loved our walks and talks. When Dad and I walk, I do ALL the talking - I complain about my job and my coworkers and my students and he listens. If he tries to interrupt me and give me advice, I say: "Let me finish and just listen - don't give me ANY advice!" So it was nice to walk and be the listener for a change. You were much kinder to me than I am to your dad - you don't tell me to be quiet ever.

Andrea said...

You are so funny. I love the Rock Band picture! I am glad that you had such a fun time in Utah.

Paul Levie said...

Sarah, I hope that you don't find this offensive. I was looking over your blog this evening before putting the kids to bed and Matthew came into the living room. He looked at the photo of you and Daniel the one with Daniel's Mole tie and he said that you papi. I said no that is uncle Daniel then he proceeded to say and I quote "what is that?" Sorry he gets confused a little but he will get better at recognizing people and not referring to his aunt as "that" Love you tons and we miss when you come out and visit us.

Kristi said...

Wow, what a fun trip. You look like a teenager hanging out at home with her family. Seriously, it sounds like you acted that way too. No stuffy adult stuff for you. I love your immature side. You are a hoot.

lish and toby said...

love your rockin' out photo!!! you GO GIRL!!! rock on!!