Friday, February 6, 2009

New Year Blogging Resolutions

OK, I've done it. . .I've gone private and now I'll spend the next month submitting your names so I can add you to my list of readers that may never again check my blog. I know, you thought I fell off the face of the earth since I really haven't posted seriously for a month. . .but I didn't. . .

Here is my blogging plan for the New Year. I have a NEW blog my family has started in the last month. Every Monday we've each blogged about service we've done during the past week in honor of the kid's grandparents. At the end of next year, we'll publish the posts into a book for the grandparents. . . what else do you give at Christmas to people that have everything? On Mondays, my blog will incorporate the contents of my service blog. I'll post on Wed. and Fri. and leave my weekends free to catch up on YOUR blogs. Not blogging for a month has helped me realize that I probably spent 1-2 hours a day on BLOGGING. So I'm cutting back. Stay tuned to this BLOG if you want, but I won't be keeping it up daily like last year. I have too many things to do this year:

1. Watch 3.5 hours of prime-time each week (American Idol, Lost and The Office!)

2. Has anyone else been bitten by the Facebook Bug? It takes up another 2 hours a week, just accepting "friends." I have had so much fun with FB. . . finding old students of mine, being "found" by old Elementary School friends and re-connecting with cousins, HS friends and college buddies. This world really has become so small and personal, in a computer screen friendship kinda way.

3. I average about 3 movies a week with my TiVo, I'm not going to lie, usually French subtitled movies, but even though I only watch the PG/PG-13 ones, they're mostly porn, so I might stop that little addiction. I don't think France understands our rating system, or they're just nasty people. I also enjoy all the musicals and old movies on AMC. Plus, I have to read at least one book a week in the bathtub. I know, busy demands.

4. I have to become Water Safety Instructor Certified (week long course) to run the lakefront at Girls Camp this year. I also have to get a special lakefront lifeguarding endorsement for my regular lifeguarding certification and renew my CPR class which will add another weeks worth of in-water testing. I'm sure I'll whine about that when the time comes.

5. I've been working out at 5:30am 3 days a week, plus logging all my calories and cutting my proportions in half. I just don't have the energy to do much blogging with half the food in my system and my tired, sore body wishing it could die after Spin Class.

6. My last reason for slimming down my blogging is all the grief my kids give me. They really resent the Blog. I'm not sure why, maybe they didn't like all the info about them that I shared. Maybe they wanted me to bake cookies more, instead of blogging. They have become much nicer since I've given it a rest, so I'll only blog when they go to bed and then I won't tell them I'm doing it so they can stop using against me . . . and Damian hates it too. He tries to pretend he likes it, but he doesn't. I think he's jealous of the blog and all the love I give it. Or maybe he didn't like me posting my swim suit pictures so much. I've come up with a solution. You might think I'll stop posting those photos. No. I'm not inviting him to read it until he begs me. And how about this . . . anyone else who gives me a hard time will be "un-invited." Consider this your warning.


Leslie said...

I have missed you! I am happy to welcome back your posts - although condensed to keep your family happy. But don't forget about us...your adoring public. You are loved.

PS - LOVED the Pistachio toffee I won! ♥

Autumn said...

Glad to see you are back, though I hear you on how dangerous the blogging addiction can be (not that I was nearly your caliber...but still can relate = ). Gosh darn that life balance! Happy to hear though you are still doing other things for you (that book in the bathtub one sounded nice). I have missed your candid funny posts though!

Callie said...

I love the blog/ facebook thing too. Sometimes I think I should stop- but then realize I can't. I'm so addicted that I am more willing to give up food than give them up... it's kind of sad really...

Natalie said...

I am so glad you're back. I really enjoy reading your blogs. You have a great sense of humor and it brightens everyone's days.
When are you and Damian coming to visit Belgium since you are now such the world traveler?
Love you lots.

Elaine Goold said...

Hurray!! You're back!! Hopefully you will never un-invite me! What a threat! So I want to hear how much you've lost with your exercise, less eating plan. I need some good role modeling here so I can do it too. But if you bake cookies, can you lose? I never could so I never baked cookies!!

Renee said...

I am so glad to know that I'm not that only one who's finding a hard time balancing life (of what I wanna do) with my husband and kids. I too am battling the facebook addiction, you know its bad when you're thinking in terms of your status update!

Jennie said...

Well, I for one, and so glad that you have been blogging. I've felt really guilty about not scrapbooking or keeping up my kids journals (but then not so guilty when you confessed to being behind by 15 years and not every using your scrapbook room). Your blog inspired me to create my own, which doesn't take up nearly as much time as scrapbooking, I don't have as anything to clean up, and I can still preserve my kids memories. So thanks. But I do understand that it's addicting and I'm impressed that you've been so gone pretty much "cold turkey."

Krystal said...

I'll still be checking your blog, even though you went private. :) And that's okay that you won't be blogging daily...that means I won't get so far behind when I miss a few days! :) Enjoy the time with your family, TV, facebook, etc.!! :)

Cindy and Robert said...

You are awesome.....that's it....nothing else.....

lish and toby said...

love you, love your blog. and agree that time on the computer could be lessened too. Great idea to bind into a book for the gradnparetns.