Friday, March 6, 2009

Basketball Divas

The two cutest girls playing Junior Comet Basketball: Eliza and Rachel Idiart on the Cougar Team . . . coached by their Uncle/Dad . . . Damian and Justin (with cousin/brother Josh as assistant!)

Here's Rachel getting ready to recieve a pass . . .
She shoots . . . She SCORES!!

As her fans look on! (Annie & Katrina Idiart with Mary Nadauld)

Coach Damian giving Eliza some sort of special instructions. I like her cool foot work and his funny face . . . I don't know if you can tell (mom) but Damian lost 15 lbs this last month . . . He's a hottie, I know.

This team is so eager and adorable. They listen to Damian's every word and practice all sorts of "plays." It's quite INTENSE and they're very serious about their game. A few of them run down the court with all their energy, enthusiam and arms/legs flailing. I laugh out loud each time I watch a game. They're so cute!


Andrea said...

It looks like they are having a lot of fun. Way to go Damian! 15 lbs in 1 month sounds like a lot of work!!

Annette said...

Love seeing the pictures of the team and the spectators. Way to go team and Damian!

Elaine Goold said...

Whoo hoo! Way to go Damian! I bet you are way embarrassed Sarah mentioned this in her blog. Rachel and Eliza are just too cute! I would love to watch them play basketball!!! Rachel, I can't believe you can make baskets!! That is amazing to me, because I have tried and tried and never make a basket when I play at recess with the kids at my school. They laugh at me. Sarah, great photos! I wish I had better photos of my children playing sports. All the ones I took over the years are pathetic - my camera wasn't very good and usually the subjects are so small in the photos, you can't really tell who they are! What great memories you are making for your kids!

Krystal said...

What cute little basketball starts. And how fun to have a dad/uncle for a coach! :)