Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Four of my Favorites

A few days ago 4 of my favorites celebrated a special day. Damian's baby brother Jared and his beautiful wife have been married . . . aw shucks . . . I don't know how many years . . . but it was their anniversary! Let's see, which pregnancy was it that I looked so fat at their wedding? It must have been early on with Katrina . . . so they've been married for 7 years! Aren't they so cute?! Don't they not even look old enough to be married, let alone have 2 adorable babies?

I know you've seen this photo before . . . Christine all excited about Elise's Christmas Stroller. . . Christine, I am so grateful you said, "YES!" to Jared. I know he had to pursue you for quite awhile and I'm so glad he did. I adore you. I love your baby girl too. She's my favorite ALL TIME Chunky Monkey. I loved babysitting her today. She let me cuddle her all morning. I just gobbled her neck, growled with her and snuggled her. We watched an old AMC movie and giggled for the whole 2 hours. Thank you for creating such a masterpiece in Elise. She is an angel on earth and I heart her. Thank you for being such an important part of our family. Thank you for being a great friend and sister. Thank you for loving my kids like they were your own. Thank you for being such a good Mommy to my sweet Marcus Boy and Elisie. I love you.

Here are the two cutest boys. Sorry Jared, I'll always think of you as a boy. I know you hold this family together and all that, but three words say it all: "Credit Card Shwipe!" This is your anniversary card so I just want to say, "Thank you for picking a sister for me that I LOVE, as your wife." And Jared . . . I love you just as much as I love Christine. You two are so fun to be around, you're both so kind and your lives are so full of service for others. I really wish Damian and I were going to Mexico with you two. I've decided that I'll just keep your kids for you, though. OK? I really did have so much fun with them today and they were perfect angels. If I can't come with you, at least leave the best parts of you with me. I do love them!


Christine said...

Well I don't know what to say other than thank you for all your kind words! You are way to sweet about us but whenever I'm feelig down I'll come and check this out! (I'm glad you let me know about this post cuase this is my first blog comment since Christmas! I gave up blogging to do the 10week fitness challenge cuase its just too much time on the computer but this is worth checking so thank you!) You are the sweetest sisterinlaw ever and you really outdid yourself yesterday haveing the kids all day long! Seriously thank you so much. It is so wonderful to feel comfrotalbe leaving them for 4 hours and knowing they are haveing the time of thier lives! Thank you for loving them so much and being such a great Auntie. I really do love you lots Sarah and sorry that I've missed out on so much of your life since you went "private." Well thanks again for dedicating our 7 year anniversary since I didn't even do one on our blog! I can always count on you to blog the important events in life and appreciate when you do such sweet and kind posts like today...even though I am tired of that picture of me clapping!

allison nadauld said...

Happy Anniversary guys...what a great union! Sarah, you are so thoughtful.

Kristi said...

Here's to a great couple and family, Jared, Christine, Marcus and Elise. Cin cin. (spencer tells me that is Italian so I use it to sound international.)