Monday, March 2, 2009

Service ~ Week 9

President Gordon B. Hinckley said that those who reach out to lift and serve others “will come to know a happiness . . . never known before . . . Heaven knows there are so very, very, very many people in this world who need help. Oh, so very . . . many. Let’s get the cankering, selfish attitude out of our lives, my brothers and sisters, and stand a little taller ad reach a little higher in the service of others.”

I love being Rachel’s basketball coach. She is beautiful, I love watching her run down the court, look for me and then smile. She is beautiful just like her mother. Coaching Rachel makes the time go by very quickly, I could not imagine a more enjoyable time than to be with my daughter and watch her develop her talents.

Sarah: The 4th grades put on a concert/play celebrating the Oregon Trail Migration and Oregon’s 150th year of statehood. I helped the choir teacher round up 15 Pioneer girl costumes and that many hats for the boys (mostly from my friends that went on the Pioneer Reenactment Trek we went on this summer!) I took pictures for the school yearbook. Everyone looked so cute and the girls really enjoyed their cute little costumes! It was nicely done and fun to be a part of.

Emma: I helped my friend Breanna make a backdrop for her newscast at school. I had to use my fingers, since they ran out of brushes! I had to paint all the little people and the sun. I did it before school and during my lunch hour. She was really grateful, since she got it finished in time!

Joshua: I made a double layered chocolate cake with Ben. We were having the missionaries over for dinner. Everyone really liked it, especially Daddy and the elders. Mom’s secret is grease the pans with Crisco and then flour them. You have to blend the cake with a hand mixer and don’t overbake! Benny really liked licking the beaters!

Rachel: I helped Nina with her homework this week. We did math and reading. She didn’t really need that much help because she’s so smart. I also played school with Nina, later on in the week. We both want to be kindergarten teachers when we grow up. Emma wants to be a teacher, too. It’s funny because our mom was a teacher. The boys both want to be lawyers like our Daddy!

Katrina: Me and Rachel worked on organizing our bathroom drawers. We used to have our own, but now we’ve decided to share them. We took out all our stuff, cleaned it, sorted it and organized it. It was really fun. Now we have a toothbrush drawer. We keep our floss, fluoride pills and toothpaste/brushes in there. Our next drawer is the taller one. We use that for all our make-up, lotions, nail polish, perfume and sprays. We’ve always shared our bottom drawer for our hair supplies, but we cleaned that out, too. Then, we cleaned the toilet together and mom cleaned the sink. Our bathroom is really nice and tidy now.

Benjamin: I helped Daddy. I gived him the 60 watt and 100 watt light bulbs and I taked the covers for the lights to Josh and Mommy to wash them. I throwed the paper light bulb covers away, too. And throwed away the old light bulbs. Carefully, so they wouldn’t break. And when Daddy dropped stuff, like the screws, I found them in the dark carpet. Because he says I have Eagle Eyes.


Kari said...

I am glad you are simplifying your life and not blogging so much, then I don't have to spend as much time stalking your blog!! I love the service blogs, I need to start something like that. We just started chore charts last week for FHE, they don't see it as service or chores, but a way to earn a quarter, kids are so easy to please!!

suzy said...

I love your service posts! Especially because I am sitting on my butt when I read them and it motivates me. Thanks for all the comments last week, the webkinz stuff really made me laugh. I love cash cow too, but the original one. I think cash cow 2 is impossible. Haha. How many teams does your husband coach?

I need your address. I never write anything down.

Andrea said...

Katrina's bit about having a drawer with Rachel for makeup and perfume made me laugh. Both are so beautiful that they will never need makeup! I love the service posts, they are my favorite. Keep up the great work!!

Krystal said...

As always, I love reading the cute service activites that you do every week. The little ones always so the cutest, funniest things. And I thought Damians post was especially sweet today about coaching Rachel's basketball team. :)