Sunday, April 26, 2009


Today I was released from my calling as 1st Counselor in the Stake YW Presidency. I've served in the Stake for just a little over 2 years and it's been wonderful. If you are new to the LDS lingo and don't know what I'm talking about, read THIS post to get up to speed, OK?

I've worked with the greatest women and learned so much from them, as I've served in the Stake. They've taught me a lot about leadership, but more about humility, sacrifice, serving on a council and the joys of hard work. I've made some great friends in other wards that I'll always treasure. Friends that I've SERVED and those I've SERVED WITH that I'll miss when I return to service in my ward.

I've had some great experiences including being involved in a 4-Stake Youth Celebration, planning a 4-Stake Youth Conference and 2 years of Girls Camp excitement and Priest/Laurel activities. I loved being involved in planning/going on a Pioneer Handcart Trek. I've gone to/spoken at LOTS of YW Leadership Training Meetings and I've gotten to observe many fun 'New Beginnings' and 'Young Women in Excellence' nights. I've taught at Ward Conference Youth Meetings and sat through almost 20 of them. I've attended close to 30 youth dances and feel very current on the music/fashion in the world today. I really will miss doing all those things, now that I'm released from this calling. Actually, I won't miss teaching at Ward Conferences, but all the rest I'll miss.

I've grown to love this calling and there are many other things I'll miss besides all the fun activities. The thing I'll miss most though, is the thing that I didn't like AT ALL when I first started serving. At first, I felt really far removed from serving "The Individual." I was supposed to serve the Young Women in 9 wards (about 175 girls) and their leaders (about 50 women) It was overwhelming and hard to figure out how to do it. Over time, I got to know EACH of the girls and I truly love them. I am so impressed by their desires to follow our Savior and do the right thing. The girls in my stake are inspirational and beautiful. I've enjoyed working with the leaders also. The women that serve the Youth in our Stake are dedicated, self-less and such good examples. I am grateful for the chance I've had to work in calling because I truly have grown more during my service.

I can't wait to see what the Lord calls me to do next. I do hope it's somewhere I'm super comfortable (the Primary). One area I know I need to improve in though, is as a teacher of the youth. Even though I've worked with the Youth for 2 years, I still don't feel confident teaching them. We'll see, I'll keep you posted!


Jennie said...

Two years? You only served two years? Wow. Although...I am impressed that you were able to do so much. YW is a fun calling. Busy. But fun. I always feel inadequate teaching the youth. I feel such great responsibility for their learning and growth during such a critical time in their lives. I suppose that has been the most difficult thing for me, anyway...I feel responsible when they don't make good decisions.

Tiffany said...

You were amazing in this calling! You really do know how to connect with each girl. I've always admired that about you. I think that Nursery or Sunbeams is calling your name! I really need a teacher in there that can keep Annie happy! Love you lots, Tiff

Mandy said...

Releases are always bittersweet. Is it possible to call you to our primary? Would you consider traveling each weekend for "business?" I'm sure the YW in your stake are going to miss you!

Leslie said...

You are amazing Sarah!! Congrats on a job well done - now onto the next calling from the Lord. :)

Krystal said...

You accomplished a lot in your calling, and I'm sure the young women and their leaders all loved you. :)

Annette said...

They've been blessed to have you serving in the Young Women. I remember how much love and work you put into the trek. Emma is growing up so fast and accomplishing so much!

Elaine Goold said...

Oh Sarah, I feel bad you didn't call me to talk about being released! I know how you must feel - I remember how sad I was when I was released from RS Presidency. I loved that calling! But it was also nice to move into Primary. I'm so proud of you and how your whole life is geared towards service. You are so loving and fun to be with. The YW will miss you.

Kristi said...

Ooh, it's true. I know they are looking for new nursery leaders. I too am callingless and am anxious (and flinching at the same time) to see where I am called next. With a little baby I don't think they will even consider me for the nursery gig. Primary is a nice spot. I have always liked the primary. I will be interested to see where they want you and your people skills next.

Anonymous said...

YOU WILL BE MISSED!!!! But you are still coming to camp, right? You better!

Meanwhile, this looks like a pretty good resume -- I think you should apply to Salt Lake!