Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Webkinz World

I have slight OCD behavioral problems. I get a little obsessive about something for short periods of time. Sometimes it's scrapbooking, sometimes watching movie after movie, sometimes it's craft projects, but right now it's WEBKINZ.

WEBKINZ are stuffed animals that cost between $7 and $16. They come with a special code that allows you to access the same animal in a virtual world. I've been obsessed with going on my kids accounts whenever I have free time (or time I should be doing something else) and earning them tons of "Kinzcash." I use this online money to buy them cool house assessories . . . I made Ben an awesome backyard and schoolroom in his "house." I bought Katrina an indoor movie theatre, complete with concession stand, plus a great backyard. If I tried to analyze why I spend time doing this, I think I'd like to blame this on the fact that I want a great backyard myself, so I'm getting a virtual one on WEBKINZ? I don't know. I'm weird.

As I write this, I realize it's been about a week since I've been on WEBKINZ, because my brother Jon and his sweetie, Amy are in town and I've been busy getting ready for their arrival, so maybe the obsession is over?!

As I was tidying up the house, I went in Katrina and Rachel's closet to gather their laundry and found this little display. They had set up all their WEBKINZ pets (and a few of Josh's) for "school" I think. I thought it was so cute. Altogether, we have 22 WEBKINZ, so 6 aren't pictured here. I don't know where these kids get their OCD behavioral problems.


Grandma Duffy said...

I have to admit I have spent my fair share of time on the webkinz page Who would have thought. Now I live on facebook!
I have missed you on here!

KristiCollins said...

Hey, I don't care if you add Webkinz to your list of OCD behaviors. Just don't give up blogging or I'll never be able to keep up on your life with Uncle Frankie.

Jennie said...

Yeah! Glad to see that you posted again. We have yet to enter the world of webkinz, but the school I teach at is K-12 and the elementary kids are all obsessed. How fun that you surprise them with "cool" stuff.

Callie said...

You make me laugh- I really do need to bring Mia over and you can teach her how to play Webkinz such I'm such a bad mom and won't do it. And, since you seem to enjoy it so much... you won't mind!

Lance and Kim said...

I have the same problem! My kids haven't been playing lately though so I have quit too.

Krystal said...

The Webkinz aniamls are cute. That's a fun thing to be OCD about for a while. Glad to see that you have been posting again! :) I've missed you.

Andrea said...

I used to have a small problem with the Pixie Hollow game. The girls got some Pixie Hollow codes on dolls at Christmas last year, and I googled a bunch more. Livy and I also googled a bunch of McWorld codes, and we had a minor addiction to that too. Glad to see that I am not the only adult out there that enjoys games geared toward preteens!

Elaine Goold said...

Well, at least the Webkins site is free! I'm an Ebay addict and it isn't free. Also a stay at school all night addict. Whenever Dad isn't home, I am at school.