Saturday, September 26, 2009

First Day of Elementary School 2009

I have the cutest, smartest kids around, and they are ALL IN SCHOOL NOW!! Can you believe it? Emma (not pictured) started her second year of middle school. Rachel's in 4th grade, Katrina's in 2nd and Josh's in 5th.

Because of funding issues, our district only goes to school Tues-Fri. The kids will be in school the same amount of days, so I don't really understand how this solves a buget problem, but I'm enjoying the 3 day weekends we have together while they last!

One week after the older kids started school, Ben started Kindergarten. He wasn't very excited and was almost in tears as I left. I worried about him all afternoon.

He came home off the bus very excited about school. He loved it. And he's never had any apprehension about going back. He goes in the afternoons and anxiously awaits his bus all morning!

His sisters were very supportive of Ben's successful beginning of the public school system and very proud of their baby brother.

Katrina helped him with his homework after his first day and has established a routine with him. Every Tuesday, Ben brings home his weekly homework sheet and the two of them sit down and do the whole thing, together. It's very adorable.


Paul Levie said...

Bennie and Ariana are in the same grade. Ya there hasn't been a day when she hasn't like it. Well that's only three weeks but she is getting such great remarks from her teacher. Congrats Bennie and all you kids you're so adorable.

Kristi said...

Katrina is so motherly. Can you lend her to me as a half-nanny?
I know you are busy, but do you ever just lounge around in your pajamas and do nothing just because you can? How wonderful.
I am glad Ben likes kindergarten. So here's another question, when did you, and when should I, officially drop the endearing "Benny" and start calling the kid "Ben?"

Brandan and Becky said...

I just can't imagine the concentration needed to keep 5 schedules straight-- homework, library days, book orders, permission slips. This must be your super power, Sarah.

Cynthia said...

Wow, your baby is in school!
I remember the tears on that first day my baby went to kindergarten, but they were not near as many as that first day my baby went to college!!! They grow up sooo fast!
Cute pics, of your cute kids!! XOXO,♥Aunt Cynthia

Elaine Goold said...

Hallelujah!!! A new post in your blog! And such cute photos! Katrina - you are just like your Mom - she used to love to be the teacher when she was your age too! Maybe you'll grow up to be a teacher like your Mom, your Grandma, and your Aunt Allison. Benny, I'm so glad you like kindergarten! I loved seeing photos of everyone (except EMMA!~~~ I want to see volleyball photos! Maybe I can fly up over a long weekend and see a volleyball game!