Friday, October 30, 2009

"Ketchup" and Mustard on my Utah Trip

These are the last pictures I wanted to post from our Utah trip in June/July.

When we were in Utah, I found out my very best friend from Alaska, Emily, was also there at the same time! We were talking and I told her I was at the BYU Bookstore and so was she!! Emma was at Volleyball camp, so Emily didn't get to see her, but she saw my other kids! I was so thrilled to see how much her girls Aubrey and Jasmine had grown, since I saw them last summer in Alaska. My kids hadn't met Jasmine yet, and they loved her right away.

We met up to swim in Lehi, but I didn't take pictures of that. Another day we met to eat out and go to a warehouse full of Bounce Houses. On that outing, we also met up with our former Babysitter, Kristy Yamaguchi Swendson and her new baby, Andrew (pictured together on the far right). It was so fun.

Josh was busy with his friend, Drake, from our hometown, but the girls had a great time! Drake came with us to Utah, to attend the BYU Basketball camp with Josh and then his mom came to pick him up.
This is Emily with her darling daughter, Jasmine. Emily is blessed with two ADORABLE, SMART, DARLING girls and I sure wish we could see them more often. I just love them.

Rachel, Aubrey and Katrina having a ball!

"I'n the king of the WORLD!!" Yes, he really says, I'n instead of I'm. It's cute. And Jock-lat instead of Chocolate, Crampa instead of Grandpa, Wiff instead of With. I love this kid.

These two really hit it off. They're the same age and had a blast together. They were all sweaty from running and playing so hard and doused themselves in the drinking fountain.

Here's a close up of the cuties!

We went back for a final farewell, Emily was heading to Disneyland and the California/Oregon Coast before driving back to Alaska. Until next time, my dear friend!


allison nadauld said...

I can't believe you ran into Emily there. What a nice coincidence. I miss those summer days already!

Anna Winn and Family said...

Where did you take the kids to play? That place looks awesome.

emily said...

Hey - cute pictures! I need to read your blog and respond to your emails! Sorry about that. I loved seeing you and your kids in UT. So much fun!