Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween for Adults

My good friends Jen and Matt Vranes throw a GREAT Annual Halloween Party. They decorate their house to amazing proportions and always entertain with their amazing costumes. This year, the whole Vranes clan dressed in SHREK costumes.

The best costumes of the night went to my dentist and his lovely wife. Can you tell which is which? This costume meant a lot to me, a former Synchronized Swimmer!

Damian and I went as Genies. But no one could tell. Everyone thought Damian was a pimped out Elvis and I was an Egyptian. I'd show my whole awesome costume, but it made my slender figure look fat. And my stupid costume made so much noise I gave myself a headache and had to go home early.

My sister-in-law, Christine has a serious fear of Oompa-Loompas. No kidding. She also doesn't really like midgets or "little people." They just creep her out. It's weird and not really PC, but I think she may have conquered her phobias at this party. I wish you could see her fancy socks/shoes. She went all out, and that's their real hair, not wigs!

My other sister-in-law, Tiffany only listens to Jim Brickman and other Easy Listening Type Music. At least, I'm pretty sure about that. Anyway, she and Justin totally ROCKED as Heavy Metal Badd A- - Head Bangers.

This couple made me laugh so hard. . . Misty's husband is the life of any party. In fact, at a recent camp out, he taught all the kids how to drop quarters into a can, from his butt-crack. He's nuts. He did a few kicks and somersaults that really shook the house, too!

Lastly, my good friends, the Higginsons came as "The Blue Man Two." They are so fun.


Elaine Goold said...

These are too funny! I especially loved all the Idiart couples and the synchronized swimmers! I will never dress up at my school and every year the principal asks all the teachers to come have a group picture taken of them in their costumes and I just stay in my room the whole day and pretend it isn't Halloween. What a scrooge! I hate Halloween, but it looks like you ALL had fun!

Krystal said...

Wow! Great costumes. I thought maybe you were Cleopatra, but I like the Genie idea. How in the world did the cheerleader guy drop quarters into a can, from his butt-crack? Wasn't he wearing any pants?

Unknown said...

Hey Sarah! Dropped by to catch up on your blog-lol, love your costume!!