Saturday, January 30, 2010

Damian's Theme Song

This is truly hilarious. Enjoy!


Elaine Goold said...

Oh my gosh! They filmed that in St George and I know the "wife". The big one! She is Briana's age and her parents are our friends! How funny! I'll have to ask her parents if they've seen it!

Jennie said...

Okay, so I am WAY behind on your blog! You actually started writing again! I love that you have a lil' mommy. Isn't it sweet. And I love that you live so close to your family. See, you NEED a big house for all of those huge parties. Oh, and I'm totally over the Shirley Temple thing. She IS adorable. Too bad I couldn't have just said, "Yeah, she's gorgeous and I'm her sister." (like I do now)

Lana said...

that was funny!!

how weird that your mom know her:)

suzy said...

Haha...i saw this on another blog and it reminded me of my sister. I think I will forward it to her new boyfriend. Haha.

m+b said...

haha that is too funny, the main girl was in my communications class! But the song is hilarious! I'm sure most husbands feel that way!

Krystal said...

Josh and I have watched this video several times together, and he has to show it to all of his friends whose wives like Twilight! :) Thanks for sharing it with us!