Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lil' Mommy, Katrina

Katrina (Nina) is my 7 1/2 year old little mommy. She's ALWAYS loved playing with baby dolls and as she's gotten older, she had transferred that love to her 5 little girl cousins. (But she still loves playing with baby dolls, too!)

This is Annie Idiart and Katrina. Annie invites Nina over to play all the time.

Katrina's aunts make her feel like they NEED her help, all the time. They compliment and praise her and she KNOWS she's good with little children. I'm so thankful that they make Katrina feel talented and special. If someone needs help (like at this Christmas Program) Katrina steps in, or is volunteered to help some of the littles.

This is a cute one. We went camping with a big group of friends and Nina and Annie were inseparable!

We live next door to our Nadauld cousins. This is Nina and Mary Nadauld at a local splash park.

Nina is so tender with the little girls. It makes me proud. I can't wait for the day she's a mom to her own babies. She's gonna be a good one.

Elise Idiart adores Katrina. . . I don't have photos of Nina with her other two little baby girl cousins, but she loves them, also!


utmommy said...

Nina IS such a sweetie. We love her!

Tiffany said...

I truly don't know what I'd do without Nina. She makes Annie feel like a little princess all the time!

Andrea said...

She sounds like you! I always LOVED when my mom had you baby-sit for us.

Christine said...

such a sweet post all about little miss nina! Everyone adores her b/c she is just so cute and fun and suc a good litle mommy. I love nina like one of my own!!