Monday, January 18, 2010

Trailer Park: Idiart Style

There are two things my friends joke with me about.

One is that we Idiarts like living all together. Some people admire the idea, but some just think we're weird. I've been married for almost 14 years and I've lived WITH or next door to some of Damian's family for 10 years. Right now, Damian's sister and her family live next door and I love it. I think they're my favorite neighbors EVER. All of Damian's brothers/sister and their families (15 people total) are in our ward and our kids all go to the same school. His parents are away on a mission and we miss them, but it's only temporary.

The other thing that my friends joke about is our trailer park. We own an ugly little trailer park across from the kids school. It's an eyesore. Our intention was to buy the land and and develop it. The timing hasn't ever been right, but we still hope to do so, SOMEDAY.

This photo is sort of a combonation of the two quirks about being an Idiart. . . living all together and being trailer park owners. I couldn't find a photo that combined our last odd quirk: We own a cemetary, too. But you can imagine how to add that info into this picture! ENJOY!


utmommy said...

You are too funny. I'd like to hear the cemetary story some time.

I guess I must be weird too, because I sure would like to join the living by each other clan!

allison nadauld said...

So funny Sarah. I LOVE being neighbors too.

Lana said...

well, I am jealous, I would love to live by my brothers and sisters, and by all the Idiarts!

The Florist said...

Dear Madam, I am interested in purchasing the small trailer, leaning slightly to the left and appearing to almost fall off completely. It couldn't have nearly as many roaches as our current rental. But I only want it if I can be neighbors with all of the Idiarts, too. You are too funny, Sarah!

Elaine Goold said...

Wouldn't your kids love to live in this? They could run up and down those ladders and pretend they were at Mesa Verde again. Funny!

Andrea said...

What a funny picture. Why do you own a cemetary? Is it on the property where you live? I think it would be cool to own an old cemetary. Post pictures and the story about it!!