Friday, June 4, 2010

Temple Square

Before we went to my brother's wedding in St. George, we hit Salt Lake City and took a tour of Temple Square with Diana. I'm not sure Diana will ever be the same after so many trips with us, sleeping 8 people in one hotel room. Poor girl. She's experiencing American Culture: Cheap, Large Family, Mormon Culture at least!

I told the kids to act serious in the first picture and silly in the next. They translated that to mean, frown in the first picture and act confused in the second. I don't think I could make it as a professional photographer.

Diana and I ditched the kids and visited "The Christus" with some nice sister missionaries for awhile. It was nice to have a little one-on-one time with my favorite 16 year old, in the world! I'm going to miss her so much. She's always so kind to me, very grateful for all I do and a good friend. I love my Dianita! We had set up a tour of BYU in the afternoon, but our car broke down and we had to miss the tour. I'm sad, but maybe Diana will still attend BYU someday. I can dream about it, can't I?


utmommy said...

We're sad we missed you:(

Beka said...

I'm always sad I miss you when you're within 100 miles, but I know how road trips can be. Always glad to check your blog and see you and the fam and your adventures. Love you.