Monday, April 7, 2008

Benjamin turned FOUR on April 6th!!

My kids are WEBKINZ crazed, and brought all their "Pets" to help Ben open his gifts. It's funny, but Ben doesn't even have one . . . (More on my interesting parenting style/level of neglet later.)

I really can't believe I haven't been pregnant for four years. I thank the Lord for this every night in my prayers. I haven't nursed a baby for 3 years . . . and I haven't had to change a diaper for almost a year . . . oh, wonderful bliss! When my non-potty trained nieces and nephews come to play . . . I pretend I don't know that they need changing and pass them off to their mothers, upon pick-up.

As much as I thank the Lord for a new phase in my life, I also thank Him for my sweet baby (he hates it when I call him that!) He is so fun, cute, and ALL BOY (very refreshing in a house full of girls.) He and Josh are such blessings in my life. Please excuse Josh, he had a momentary lapse of psychotic-ness, during this photo. This is Ben's favorite present, BY FAR. For once, I'm thrilled with my bowling alley dining room, he has a complete race track for his scooter.

We had a special breakfast for Benny on Sunday, but I never did get around to organizing a birthday party for the kid. I bought him a pinata a few months ago, with the intention of throwing him his first FRIENDS party. I remembered to buy him presents, and I hurried and wrapped them while Damian cooked the special breakfast . . . so I missed that (and dang it, all the sausaged were gone, by the time I got there!) I didn't even have a family party with all the Idiarts that live within a mile of our house. I don't consider myself a bad mom, though. I don't have time to even entertain those thoughts.

I did entertain myself with thoughts of the GREAT parties my oldest had, at that age. She had the "Birthday Fairy" come every year and decorate the whole house with streamers, balloons, signs . . . and leave her little miniature notes. She had elaborate theme birthday parties with scores of friends, creative cakes and games, etc. etc. etc. Poor Ben didn't even get a birthday cake, yesterday. But tonight, Damian baked a pan of brownies and I grabbed 4 candles and stuck them in, and Ben blew them out.

Hey!! That's better than last year, when we went to dinner at Damian's brother's, three day's AFTER Ben's birthday, and I remembered that Ben hadn't had a cake yet. We stuck candles in a half eaten cake and tried to turn it, so you couldn't notice that the back half was already gone.

No, I won't entertain thoughts of what a poor excuse I am for a mother . . . and don't you do it either!


Lana said...

Happy Birthday Ben!!

Sarah, you're funny :)

The deVilleneuves said...

Happy Birthday Ben! I think he looks happy. That's all that matters, eh?