Tuesday, April 8, 2008

"Daddy Sunday"

I think most of my devoted readership (ha, ha) probably knows about my cute husband's article in our church magazine . . .but if not, here is the LONG link to take you there. If you aren't Mormon, some of the lingo, like "Fast Sunday & Stake President" won't make sense, but I can hook you up with some nice missionaries who can explain all that to you!

Anyway, with a church membership of 13, 200, 000, I think the Idiart name might not be so obscure anymore. OK, that probably isn't going to change. Our name is still weird, and most people don't notice the author of a very small article, but I am proud, non the less.

I just read this post out loud to Damian. He is embarrassed. He refuses to read my blog, I think he doesn't really want to come to terms with how crazy I am, or details I may disclose about his personal life. Poor, Poor Man.


utmommy said...

He shouldn't be embarassed. That was wonderful! Tell him I said hi!

Love you!

The deVilleneuves said...

I liked the article. I think that he listened to that "wise member of the Stake Presidency", and now he's sharing the teachings. I think he should be no more embarrassed about sharing this tip than he would as a missionary sharing the gospel. The audience is different here, but the guidance and meaning are the same...to help and share something that has improved lives.

Thanks for sharing!

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

He's not embarrassed about the article, he's only embarrassed that I have a blog. Period. And that I mention him in it. Period. Too bad for him!

Elaine Goold said...

Well, the Idiart name is so distinct that people in my ward all remember it and several have called me to comment on how sweet Damian's article is and how lucky I am to have him for a son-in-law. They all say, "There can only be ONE Damian Idiart in the world and so we know this is your Damian Idiart!" How true that is- there is only one man as wonderful as Damian!

Krystal said...

I remember reading that article, but I must have missed that Damian wrote it. I remember liking the article and the interview idea. I want Josh to "interview" our children. I guess he'll be able to start soon! It really is a sweet article. But, if Damian doesn't read your blog, he won't know all the fun stuff he's missing!