Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Saying Goodbye for 3 DAYS!

If my kids are feeling particularly cranky, they'll say things like, "Mom, are you going to be on the computer ALL DAY?!" Josh's daily statement"Is it OK if I make dinner?" tells you much about our home and Emma's recent, "Can you teach me to do laundry soon because I am tired of NO CLEAN CLOTHES!?"

I've mentioned my upcoming "Pioneer Handcart Trek" with the youth from our church in July, right? Damian and I are Pa/Ma to 9 kids. We'll share one handcart and walk 20 miles in 3 days, pulling our gear. This experience will help us build testimonies of Jesus Christ. It will also help us understand the sacrifices our Mormon Pioneer Ancestors made as they traveled from Europe to Utah, giving up all their posessions, and loosing many of the family members to extreme conditions.

One of the Pre-Trek assignments is to give something up for 3 days. This in no way can mimic what the pioneers went through, but it give us a little idea, maybe?? I am giving up my computer . . . all word processing, internet, email, blogging, google, etc. for 3 days and the TV. And since I tried this before and couldn't do it, I'm making my kids do it with me.

It will be kinda like a VACATION . . . a painful one.

I doubt you'll miss me, you'll be fine. BUT I WILL MISS YOU!! I WON'T EVEN GET TO READ YOUR COMMENTS TO THIS POST. Oh, whoa is me! I'll see you soon!

Oh, and while I was hangin' in multiple airports over the weekend, I created posts that will automatically publish, while I'm away. So you'll be able to read MORE about my vacation, my kids and the books I've been reading. So check back, I'm not making you sacrifice anything!


utmommy said...

Good Luck!

I'll still be checking for your automatic posts!

Andrea said...

Automatic posts? How do you do that? It would be nice to know, so I don't look like an egomaniac when I post 4 times in one day! We will miss your comments, so in a way we are suffering along with you, just not nearly as much.