Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Favorite 80's Tunes

I've changed my music . . . I couldn't listen to Reggae anymore. It was making me cry, wishing I was still in the Bahamas. Now, I may start crying and wishing I was still in the 80's . . .

Back when my hair was big . . . And I could listen to heavy metal without getting a headache (maybe my hair protected my ears?)

Back when my waist was smaller than my bust. And my hips were smaller than my shoulders.


Scratch that. I just want my figure back.

Which brings up another subject. My friend Jen (of ) is now my personal trainer. As if being a full time artist and mother of 4 isn't enough, she leads me in hour long workouts 4 days a week. (2 other friends lead me 2 other days a week.) So, I'm working out 6 days a week and watching my food like a hawk. So if I don't get my body, from the 80's back, I will be a candidate for a tummy tuck. At least, that's what I'll tell Damian.

So, if you want to know why I chose all these songs, read on. If not, go do something more worthwhile with your time. I know I'd probably pick my toe-nails rather than read the rest.

Only You: This is a newer version of Eurasure's song, from the movie Napoleon Dynamite. I didn't know Damian in the 80's, but every time I dreamed of who I'd marry, it was ONLY HIM (and sometimes Troy, to be mentioned later). I dedicate this cheesy song to my true love: The Big Cheese-Meister, The Barry Manilow Cheese-of all Cheeses: Damian. (You might not believe it, but he was the cheesiest guy at BYU . . . someday, I'll scan a note he gave me after a date our freshman year and you'll laugh your head off!)

We Belong: My BFF in the 80's, Emily, had the 45 record to this song and we listened to it. She also had Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler, but that song is a little LONG. Both are so DRAMATIC and I wish I knew the words so I could sing them REALLY loud in the car and make my kids roll their eyes. It's one of my passions in life. Making them roll their eyes.

When Did Your Heart Go Missing? This song is current. It sounds like an 80's song and I really love it. So don't give me a hard time, you hard-core 80's fanatics. I can do what I want, it's my playlist.

It's Raining Men: This is an 80's remix by some washed up Spice Girl. I first heard it a few years ago at my Jazzercise class. Beca, my instructor and BFF's favorite line was: "I'm gonna rip off the roof and stay in bed!" Mine was, "I'm gonna get absolutely soaking wet." Ha, the silliness of it makes me laugh out loud!

Time After Time: Who doesn't love this song from the 80's? Classic. I also love Crazy for You by Madonna, but didn't include it.

A Little Respect: I really got into Eurasure in college (in the early 90's.) A girl on my floor of the Freshman Dorms had a car and we bought ski passes to Sundance. We had a ski class once a week, but would head up to the mountain a lot to work on our spring tans, flirt with all the ski bums and conquer the moguls. We listened to Eurasure EVERY time in her car, so ALL Eurasure songs reminds me of that spring at BYU.

Friday I'm in Love: I first loved The Cure in college and this is their BEST song. I love it when one of their songs plays during a movie (especially popular during credits, it seems!) because Damian gets all psyched. He only knows the words to songs by The Cure, The Police, Peter Cetera, Duran Duran, Boyz2Men and Prince. He's so cute. And stuck in the 80's music.

Cool Rider: OK, this is really sung by Michelle Pfeiffer (Grease 2). The movie is dumb, but I LOVED this song in 1986 (6th grade) . . . when hot TROY FENNER moved to my neighborhood and would ride up and down the street on his dirt bike (Hence the love of the song about a Cool Rider!) With his hair feathered on the sides, and a way cool mullet, he ROCKED my world.

And I'd sing this song, vacuuming the living room, watching out my windows for him. Mom, did you ever wonder why I liked vacuuming so much? Or why I'd quickly stop vacuuming to run out and sweep the front porch or pull weeds?


youreprettytoo said...

After reading this post- I have to say that I do believe there was also a dream of being "Mrs. Swift" as well as "Mrs. Fenner" and the current "Mrs. Idiart." :) I was catching up on all your posts- since you are so diligent about posting- unlike me. Anyway- I was wondering , do you go on every field trip with your kids? I am very impressed that you do. We always get notes home from the school asking for volunteers, but then there is always the caveat of "Younger siblings should be left at home." If only they knew they are shooting themselves in the foot with that restriction! I can't get a babysitter everytime the kids go on a field trip! But enough about that.. i always love catching up with you!

Andrea said...

I think the new play list "is like totally rad". Its fun to know the meanings behind the songs. I like hearing the soundtrack to your life when I visit your blog.

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Kari, You're right, I had many dreams about my future husband and a different one each week! I can't believe you remembered Carter Swift, OH YEAH, HE LOVED YOU INSTEAD OF ME!! I spent a week baking him cookies with my little primary class to send to the MTC. . . and in his thank you card, he asked for YOUR address. BROTHER!

Here's the thing, Damian has read the blog, so . . . just in case he reads it a second time, I thought I'd make him feel good about himself, like he was the only man of my dreams ;)

As for the field trips, living outside of Utah is much different. I'm one of 4 moms at the school that has more than 3 kids. (The other 3 moms are in my ward!) All the teachers make special allowances for the 4 mothers of large families. I don't know if it's because they feel sorry for us, or if we're just such an oddity that they give us a break. . .We can volunteer in the class and bring our babies with us, and the babies are invited on the field trips,too. It's cool.

All the field trips at this school fall pretty much in the last two weeks. I always feel guilty that I haven't helped much the whole year, so I pump a lot of help into the last two weeks to make up for it. It makes me look good on the blog, but really, I'm a slacker.

Paul Levie said...

I already blogged about your 80's playlist. It is definitely about your life but brings up memories of that weird older sister that liked to do housework at any hour of the day.
Love you tons and your blog.

gooldylocks said...

haha im sad i was the youngest and missed out on sarah mooning over teenage hunks. haha i love you sarah you are an amazing sister me and briana were just talking about how im so lucky cuz i get two sisters and you and her only get one. haha how true. we both really miss you and love spending time with you. i cant wait to see you again. i have an awesome story about raining men. i was on senior ball royaltly you know and in one part of the play with all the royalty in it they played raining men and we danced around getting chased by girls. then i danced to the west side story song i feel pretty. in that homo outfit it was hilarious. i love your blog it is like looking into the lives of our family members back in the day before this adorable blonde baby came and stole all the limelight. haha no just kidding but i really wish i coulda been there for the begining of the goold family. oh and just a reminder it is because of me that you found out about the rooney song. GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE!!!!!!! haha just kiddin i love ya babe. love your adorable little golden haired wonder no not benny your other little golden haired wonder ERIC