Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Italians, Part DUE

My 18 year old, baby brother, Eric is in Italy right now. He'll be starting college in the fall and can't make it to our sister, Briana's wedding, so he's getting to know our new brother-in-law and nephew, now! He'll be there for a month and hopes to have many Italian Adventures!

Already, he had a day layover in London and he figured out how to tour the city, ALONE!

And he took lots of pigeon pictures . . . and one of a Freaky English Duck that might give me nightmares, tonight. Just look at those claw thing-ies and that wicked, curved beak! Eww!

He also saw Big Ben, or as some of us call it, "The clock Peter Pan flies by, on his way to Neverland." I've always wanted to fly by that clock!

I wish I was there to see him in action! Here are pieces of recent letters he's written, and photos he's sent:

"Ciao, ciao! It is wonderful and very, very beautiful, here. Sem is very nice to everyone, he seems like an excellent man. It is kind of refreshing to see someone who can just relax and not be stressed, ever. "

"Well, our future nephew-in-law, Luca, is completely adorable, he is always off the wall, ha ha! He teaches me Italian: "Viene, viene, tengo questo, mio cavallo." That's about all he ever says, "Come, come, I take this, my horse," Ha ha, he is so hilareous. All he eats is Nutella Spread on bread and biscottis/cookies. I can't get over what an adorable little guy he is!"

"Briana gave Luca the little book you made him on Shutterfly and he carries it everywhere pointing at everyone's pictures saying, "Questo? questo? questo? (who is this?)" He is quite adorable, I think you will love him instantly when you come down. He walks around speaking Italian like its nobody's business, ha ha, he is quite the teacher. I learn a lot of words from him. I'm putting up more pictures of all of us and of our beach trips so I will send those to you as soon as I get them all uploaded."

"I went running and I love it. I saw some hotties on the beach, I wanted to say, "Le marre รจ malta bella" (The sea is very beautiful) but I didn't have the guts. The rain stopped after the first night and it is gorgeous. We are going to the beach to play with Luca. The beach I can walk to is full of lava rock with a lot of tide pools. It is beautiful. There is an artificial beach with sand which is where we take Luca and where the babes suntan, ha ha. Well, I love you and have been reading my scriptures everyday morning and night. This trip makes me so anxious to go on mission, unless I go to the U.S. ha ha, just kidding, I will go wherever Heavenly Father decides I should go. Well, it is really awesome here, Love you, Arrivederci, Eric"

I can't wait for his next installment with photos. I love this digital age! And I love you, Eric!


m+b said...

I wish I could go to Italy for Briana's wedding!! I'm so jealous you guys get to go!! Sounds like he's having a blast!

Paul Levie said...

I bet the "babes" on the beach love the mop that he vows he will not cut for a year until he goes on a mission. It would be so much fun to go to Italy for Briana's wedding. We'll will all have to try our best to get out there and see her and her lovely new additions to our family.

Andrea said...

Is he not even going to trim his hair? It's cute on him now, but he shouldn't let it get longer. Send our love to all of them!

Anonymous said...

your family is so cute- this is michelle (kari's sister). i had to come visit your blog cause we feel the same way about kari's blog. we just can't get enough. i wish my blog was as witty as hers- some people just have skills:)

gooldylocks said...

haha props on your blog sarah. but i dont know what andrea is talking about the longer it gets the more luxurious it becomes. haha have paul send me his email so i can write to him too if you would or just send it yourself. well i love you send my love to your family buh bye

Elaine Goold said...
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Elaine Goold said...

I'll email you the 216 photos he sent me today.