Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Off to Girls Camp!

Today I'm leaving for 4 days at Church Girl's Camp. I'm thrilled because I really don't have any responsibilities this year, besides hanging out with all the girls. I'm a counselor in the Stake Young Womens Presidency (we oversee 9 wards/congregations). Our President won't be there so the other Counselor and our Camp Director are in charge. Hopefully they can do any disciplining and putting out "fires!" and I can just laze about. Hopefully.

The Stake YW Presidency and Camp Director are "Charlie's Angels" and we have skits to go with that. Hopefully I'll get some photos/videos for your enjoyment, later. There are about 110 girls coming this year, ages 12-18, plus about 35 women. It's a fun, loud, crazy party, up there at the lake. I'll probably work on my ditties to sing at the flag ceremonies, a lot. This is my time to shine as class clown and overall obnoxious lady. Wait, that is what my normal life is about!

This year, Emma gets to come up for one afternoon, as an 11 year old. She is THRILLED and has been packed for a week (her swimsuit, towel and lip gloss!) I can't wait to see her interact with all the Young Women. I'll post photos of her next Tuesday, OK?

Last year, I was a co-lifeguard with my friend, Christie D. This year, I didn't get ENOUGH certification and we had to hire our lifeguards! (I am only Pool Certified and the state changed the laws, at the last minute!) My cool life guarding costume will sit in the attic until next year, when I've upped my certification, to Waterfront (Lake) and Water Safety Instructor! And just so you know, those red shorts say "Guard" across the hiney and my shirt says, "Trust me, I'm a Lifeguard!" I'm very serious about my job. And my coolness factor. It's the only cool outfit I have, according to my kids. I might start wearing it to church, if they don't start being nicer to me!

I've written some extra posts that will publish when I'm at camp. That's how OCD I've become about blogging! I never thought I'd be a journal writer, but I finally am . . . in kind of an exhibitionist way. I'll be thinking of you when I pull pranks on other cabins tonight at midnight!


Lana said...

yeah girls camp! How fun!!

beca said...

You look better then Pamela Anderson. Don't get locked in the outhouse or go on a snype hunt.=)

Andrea said...

Have fun, bring back some pranking ideas for me. Your girls are so lucky to have you going with them! I can't believe Emma is old enough to go almost.

Paul Levie said...

Does your shirt really say "Trust me, I'm a Lifeguard" I would have to say that would be a way cool outfit for sundays.