Monday, June 23, 2008

Scary Circus

A few years ago, we took our kids to a mini-circus and it was really fun. So we tried another. This circus was smaller than a mini. I think it was the size of a flea circus. And it was bit scary.

No, I'm not talking about the scary audience. These people are my relatives.

The kids didn't seem to mind the second rate acts, or the fact that we had to leave the tent to view one of them. When one man almost fell to his death, they laughed. Aren't there laws prohibiting acrobatics with no mat underneath?

Turn my music off at the bottom to appreciate the wind in this video. As the blindfolded man slips, his son yells to him and the audience collectively GASPS!! You can hear me saying, "That was the time I almost lost my Dad, on the Circus Guinea Pig Wheel!" Please forgive me, I was practically wetting my pants in fear and I lost my hilareous edge.
There were basically two performers at this circus, not counting the Shetland Pony that could jump over a low stick. "Orfalinda" could do the flip bar, suspended in the air. She was also the Hula Hoop Artist. She danced seductively in her leotard, and tossed the juggling implements to the other performer, too.

And she was practically naked. As you can see, the boys seemed really riveted to her performance.

"Fernandito" was a confusing clown, a juggler and a contortionist that could fold himself into a box. Aaron asked me to video that interesting performance, so turn my music off and be as thrilled/grossed out as I was. The kids liked his fire-juggling act, and I was grateful it didn't burn the tent down!

As you can tell, from the contortionist video and the acrobat video, we picked the worst seats in the whole tent. Mostly, we watched "Orfalinda's" behind and the underside of the Giant AIR Slip and Slide. The Shetland Pony and Clown didn't even come near us. Maybe we didn't really mind, all that much.

The cotton candy, popcorn and snowcones that Uncle JusTea bought were the highlight of the evening.

Each kid was handed one treat and they all swapped/shared with each other. That worked pretty well and no fights broke out. I was very proud.

I have to admit, I had fun shooting Tent tinted photos.

I also witnessed TWO fun events that had nothing to do with the circus:

FIRST: My niece Mary has mostly avoided eye contact with me, since birth. She used to cry if I talked to her! Since I've been teaching her swim lessons in "The Big Bath" she has begun to like me. She even agnowleges me OUTSIDE of the pool. She sat on my lap and that was a FIRST.

SECOND: During the intermission (between the Hula Hoop Girl and Second Juggling Act) there were TWO special performances in the ring, by the Idiart Kids. All the cousins went out and danced to the freaky circus music until the scary Popcorn Man asked them to stop. I didn't get any video, I was watching the Popcorn Man like a hawk. He was the scariest part of the circus, for sure!


Tiffany said...

Wow, I have to admit, I think I was having more fun watching "Hello Dolly" and peeling vinyl lettering! Thanks for doing all me errands for me today! tiff

Andrea said...

It looks like orange tinted fun! Even the little silly circus is fun when your a kid (or a mom watching their kids).

Elaine Goold said...

Oh Funny - so reminiscent of the GREAT circus we went to in Valdez more than 20 years ago! We took Eric and Daniel to one in St George once and it was as bad as this one - it was the worst thing I'd ever seen and I vowed never to go to a circus again. Remember the rodeo we went to in St George because Damian really wanted to see a rodeo and it was so PATHETIC!! I vowed never to go to a rodeo again also, but have not been able to keep that vow because every year we take the grandkids to a rodeo at Bryce Canyon as part of our Grandparent Horse Camp! And let me tell you, that rodeo stinks! But I'll go once again this year because it'll be Rachel's first! Such good memories we are creating, huh? I'm sure the kids don't think any of them are horrible - they probably love them all!

Stacey said...

You rock! I love your blog! I wish I was as motivated, etc as you. I don't know if/when mine will ever get "up". It was so awesome to see you in Utah. You are as beautiful as ever. You haven't changed at all (seriously)!!! I do hope to keep in touch even if it's through me checking out your fantastic blog.

beca said...

I was looking at the first picture and guess who looks the most excited? Damian. Sure he bought the tickets for his kids.