Friday, June 20, 2008

You Know it's Summer When . . .

~The scissors are in the "Open" position, AND sticky, from Otter Pops (And the empty wrappers are all over the house and yard). Hasn't anyone ever heard of the TRASH CAN?

~You get to enjoy the aromatics of sweaty, stinky boys . . . WHY EXACTLY DO THEY SMELL LIKE WET DOGS?

~The seats in the car are wet ALL THE TIME, from trips to and from swim lessons. Although, it smells clean in the car, from all the chlorine!

~There are empty cups all over the counter . . . Where's my sharpie so I can label one cup per kid, FOR THE WHOLE DANG SUMMER?!

~The front and back door are both WIDE open, and you can't find anyone to blame . . . DO WE REALLY NEED TO COOL YARD?

~You enjoy the crickets/frogs singing at night . . . if you can hear them, it means all the children are asleep! If you can't hear them, QUICK . . . PUT THOSE KIDS TO BED!

Thank you Kari, my blogging hero, for most of my material for today's post!


Kristy Swenson said...

I just love summer!! Do you think I love it even more because I have it off? :) Hope you're doing well. Give the kids hugs for me!!

youreprettytoo said...

I am nothing but flattered! You can copy me anytime. love you

Andrea said...

My little girls smell like wet dog some times too. Gross! What does cause that?