Thursday, August 21, 2008

Future Plans for my Children

I have big dreams for my kids. We already have a lawyer in the family and I'm not a huge fan of going to the doctor, so the choice for the kids to go to Medical School is out. When I think of my beautiful, smart, talented kids I really want what's best for them.

And what's best for me . . . let's face it.

These are the ARTISTIC aspirations I have for my kids:

I want Josh to be an artist, so I will always have beautiful art to adorn my home.

I may have to downsize my house, or he might need to start painting on larger canvases, but we can work on that minor detail!

When Josh painted his first masterpiece last week, he asked if he could put it on my entry table. I told him I needed a poppy painting there, so he surprised me and whipped one out at his art lesson this week! I asked his teacher if she actually did most of this one for him and this was her repy:

"Josh is a really talented artist! I told Damian he may need to re-think the whole Josh becoming a lawyer and taking over the family business thing! He really caught on to painting. He did it all, Sarah! I didn’t even touch his canvas once. I’m actually pretty careful about that. I want the students to do it ALL by themselves—builds their confidence if they know the teacher didn’t paint it. I just explained to him how to do it, and then I would actually LEAVE the studio (I didn’t want to ‘hover’ and make him nervous), and I’d come back when he was done with that step! He really got it too. I could tell it all made sense to him. He rarely asked any questions, but would just nod his head, and then proceed to do it, without a hesitation. I think he especially liked painting with a palette knife. And that’s something no teacher or art class will ever teach him. There just aren’t a lot of artists who paint with a palette knife."

I really love this one. It is bold, beautiful and fun to look at. It makes me smile every time I walk by to go upstairs (probably 47 times a day!)

We may have to support him for awhile, while he's a "struggling artist" but I'm sure he'll be a success. He's only nine years old, if he really buckles down and gets serious about this by next week, he could be famous by 19 . . .

I want Rachel to be a chef and cook me lovely things to eat. I will go to her restaurant everyday and eat her wonderful food. She made dinner last week, "Tuna Schooners" and "Puppy Dog Salad" and it was delicious. I'm hoping she makes a habit while she's seven, of practicing her craft every night. I will sit back, put my feet up and sacrifice my strong desire to cook. I'll eat "Puppy Dog Salad" daily, if she just promises to cook every night.

This is Josh's painting of grapes in a vineyard. They don't match what I'm talking about, but I wanted to share them!

OK, so back to my dreams for the children. I want Emma to be a hairdresser and keep my hair looking young and beautiful forever. I would support her in this career move DAILY: I'd take a shower and run by her salon each morning and have her fix me up. She could do my nails and makeup, too.

If she went to massage therapy school, too, that would be an added bonus. I would give her BIG TIPS!!

OK, on that note, maybe Ben CAN be a doctor. A plastic surgeon, specifically. That will help me out, too! I guess one doctor might be nice to have around.

I aspire for Katrina to be a mother to my grandchildren. I really hope each of my kids has a few babies, but I want Katrina to have at least 10, and let me live next door to her. She is the sweetest, most natural mother in the world.

And on a less selfish note. If my darling Katrina needed a break from all those babies, I would run over to devote some "Granny Childcare", while she came over and cleaned my whole house. What a wonderful escape for her, and for me.

Or at least, for me.

Do any of you have totally selfish future plans for your children, or am I the only self-centered, "It's all about ME" Kinda Mom out there?

Don't answer that. I'm not ready for the truth, yet.


Lana said...

I always come to your blog first, cause you are so funny and I love you :)

Josh's paintings are amazingly good. Wow!

Krystal said...

Josh is a very talented artist! :) I love your future plans for your children. You're too funny!

Kelly said...

Love Josh's paintings! How fun!

My mom always told us she needed someone to live by the ocean, someone in the mountains, someone in the city, and maybe a few in foreign countries so that she could have free vacations at all sorts of locations. You've got the right idea with the just need to expand it!

Lance and Kim said...

So can I buy one of Josh's paintings before he becomes to famous and I can't afford them?

Love the post--it's good to hear you have the future all planned out!

Amber said...

You are too funny! Lorie and I were talking about this right after I had Cameron. I had a new career picked out for him daily and he was only a week old. I asked her if she ever thought about what she wanted her kids to be. It got me thinking. Dream big. I love your plans for your kids and like that they are all about you even more! You've/you'll spend the hard years raising them...enjoy the rewards!

Jared Idiart said...

Paint brush in one hand and basketball in the other. For every hour he paints, he needs to come to my house for an hour and dribble a basketball. According to Uncle Matt he could be a good basketball player too, where was that in your future plans for Josh?

Very impressed by Josh's painting.

Anonymous said...

When I was young, my dad would make us recite this little ditty as we lined up to receive our allowances:

"I love you very much,
I'll never leave you,
and I'll support you in your old age."

I never saw the humor in that until I became a Parent. We always took it very seriously!

So, to answer your question, NO, I don't think your future plans are selfish. Just realistic. We'll all need to be supported in our old age!

Elaine Goold said...

Yes dear, I understand your selfish plans for your children, I had them too and they've all come true!!! You are my organizer and provider of belly laughs and you are teaching me how to spend money!!!! Thank you!! The minute you were born - I knew exactly what I needed you to be to provide happiness and joy to me my entire life - What a great mother I must have been because all my dreams for you have come true!!!! Wow - is that egotistical, or what??!!
I won't go into all my dreams for your siblings, because, after all this is YOUR blog!!! Love you, Mom

Elaine Goold said...

Josh! What beautiful paintings!! I love them! I want lessons! (and a painting!!!)

Rachel! Why didn't I have you make dinner at my house???!!! I want some puppy dog salad too!! Next summer!

Emma - I could really use a manicure!!! and some calming down so I quit biting my cuticles! HELP!!!

Katrina - I can hardly wait to be great grandma to your 10 cute little babies!!!

Bennie - keep a spot open for me to get some plastic surgery when you're a famous doctor!!! I want to look like Mr. Spock! Love those ears! Practice first on your mommy!!!

Jaysonsmom said...

Josh's art is amazing. My son is the unselfish one. He tells me he is going to marry Hannah Montana so he can become famous too and take care of me. He always tells me what he is going to becaome so that he can take care of me. Won't that be nice lol. Are all little boys that sweet.

Grandma Duffy said...

You are so fun! I love to read your blog. You are the best mom in the world. Your kids are growing and learning all the right things. How much fun you all have!
Elaine you are a lucky mom/grandma, too!

Sharon said...

More beautiful paintings! I love this post, planning your future! It made me laugh!

Leslie said...

I would definately contact some local galleries...your son is very talented and a lot of times they will showcase a youth's art.

My sons will both be pilots and Sara will be a nurse and super mom! :)

Andrea said...

After seeing this post, I realized I need to make sure both of my girls reach their full potential. Since I only have two I must make them both count! Josh has such a beautiful talent, we want to be put on the waiting list of paintings too!

Larsen's said...

OK, this is REALLY bad, but I wouldn't mind Nick being a hair stylist. He, um, can flat iron his bangs really well, and he can braid Amber's hair nicely. He is always asking to help me color my hair - "mom, you missed a spot! I see grey!"

It would be pretty cool to have someone in the family who could do my hair (color, cut, highlight) for free!

I am only half kidding! :)