Saturday, November 29, 2008

Freedom Writers

I just watched a GREAT movie: Freedom Writers.

Hilary Swank plays a teacher that "saves" a class of integrated students that hate each other and have low scores. It looks to be a typical movie of this genre at first glance.

The teacher in me likes this genre in general, but I LOVED this movie.

It was real.
It was powerful.
It was emotional.
It was inspiring.

If you haven't seen it, go rent/TiVo it. Just be sure to MUTE the ONE "F" word at 1:50.

It's based on a book called, The Freedom Writers Diary by Erin Gruwell (the teacher the movie is based on) I'm going to check it out and read it today on the drive HOME from Disneyland, OK? I'll get back to you if it's any good.


Krystal said...

I loved this movie. The teacher in me likes this genre too. But this was a fabulous movie. Definitely let me know if you liked the book.

Andrea said...

I will have to rent it. Is it a new release? I don't think I have even heard of it.