Monday, December 29, 2008

Elder Goold Gets Home Today!!

My 21 year old brother, Daniel gets home from his church mission in Panama TODAY!! I am so proud of his service and dedication to the Lord. He is a wonderful young man and I love him very much.

Before he left, two years ago, all the Goolds got together. Since Dan has been gone my sister moved to Italy, married an Italian and has an adorable little stepson. My brother Michael got married and now we have another sister in the family. My brother Jonathan moved to Alaska . . . so Daniel is coming home to some changes! I'm flying out to see him in 2 weeks. And hopefully we'll fly him to Oregon to spend some time with us!

This is Daniel and the only girls he's thought about for 2 years. . . my mom, my sister and me!!


Unknown said...

How exciting!! Those are cute pictures!

Andrea said...

I can't believe its been 2 years! When is his homecoming? Is that when you are flying out? I enjoyed all of the pictures from his mission that your mom would email.

Jennie said...

What fun pictures. How lucky you are to see your family so often.

Christine said...

so you;re going out there in 2 weesks? Fun...I hope i get to help watch the kids. I realy can't believe he is arleady coming home! I remember when he came and borrowed Jared's suit coat for his mission pics...crazy that its been 2 years already! You guys look so cute in those pics...but that first one you and your mom are totally twins...your hair is the exact same color and I had to look twice to see which one was which! There have been a lot of changes in your family...but you forgot to mentino that Eric got buff while he was gone and posed nude in Italy! Well thanks for a great fhe night and the fun with the kids...I love your kids so much....I miss having them over before i had kids I would babysit like once a week or seomthing and we'd play barbies and it was so fun. I really do want to have them over becuae Marcus LOVES rachel ...what a sweetheart she is and Elise adores her and Nina too!

m+b said...

It was so fun to see him get off the plane tonight! I know he served a great mission and is ready to get back in the swing of things! That's so great that you will be able to come down and see him!! It was pretty funny to meet him for the first time and a little awkward too seeing how he thinks I hate him!! He is so nice and everyone is glad he is home...especially Mike....another bud to play video games with! :) love you and can't wait to see you!

By Suzy Carlson said...

Why does Daniel think Becca hates him. I love gossip. Just kidding. But really....did they go to school together or something? That sounds like a good post if you run out of ideas.

Krystal said...

Two years has gone by already! A lot has happened in your family since Daniel has been gone. It was fun to see him in Panama while we were there. And, there is a Goold family Christmas party this Sunday...everyone is excited to see him there! :)